A Flustered, Yet Memorable Birthday

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The next day passed by, and it is now Akito's birthday. The problem is, he wasn't in the mood to get up for his birthday, let alone the fact he is too tired to even celebrate the date of his birth and slept for two hours.

"Akito, it is already morning. Please wake up." Toya walks into Akito's room and proceed to waking his master up.

"What time is it?" Mumbled the ginger in his sleep.

"It is 7:30 AM."

He groggily got up from his seat, his legs becoming noodles and eyes drooping from the drowsiness he was feeling by the time he woke up as Toya caught him in his embrace.

"Oh god, I only slept for like two hours... I'ma go back to work." The human yawns and sat on his chair again to boot up his computer.

"Taking a nap is not enough; please rest more. According to the program, humans need to sleep well." Toya states until a reminder popped up. "It's your birthday today, Akito. Happy birthday."

Crap, he still remembers. Wait, he's an android, so it makes sense for him to remember somethin' like my birthday.

Without realizing it, he got up and let Toya hold onto him.

"Get me to the kitchen and prepare cup noodles." He commands with a yawn.

"Yes, Akito."

Toya carried Akito bridal style whilst walking down the stairs and gently placed him on his chair. The poor boy was tired doing research all night long and forgot what sleep was until he did for two hours as I have mentioned as he was about to rest his sleepy head on the table until he caught a glimpse of the android. Toya was preparing his and Akito's cup noodles the way he saw Akito prepare them yesterday.

"Looks like you learned from me."

"All I did was watch how you prepared them, Akito."


Ding dong, the doorbell rang. Just as Akito was thinking about checking who is at the front door, Toya went straight ahead while waiting for the noodles to be cooked.

"Toya, let me—"

Too late; he already opened the door. Once the door was opened, it revealed two girls that seemed to be waiting for someone. The girls of the question seemed to be surprised when they saw the android.

"T-Touya?" They squeak out.


"Wait, I— no, we thought you were—"

"An, Kohane, welcome, I guess."

Just by hearing the names, "An" and "Kohane", the android now learns that the girls outside right now are the girls Akito had introduced him to yesterday.

"Akito, explain." Said the girl with galaxy hair, crossing her arms.

"Meet Toya, my android."

"It is nice to meet you." He bowed.

The blonde with pigtails took a quick scan on the android as he simply stared at the girl.

ココロ (Scientist! Akito x Android! Toya)Where stories live. Discover now