Cookies and Being Gay

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Days have passed since Akito had vented to Toya about what happened to Touya and why it pains him to even talk about it. His heart ached whenever he thought about it, but thanks to the blue-haired android, he managed to open up about how he felt that day and hoped to never lock his heart when it came to him.

About their visit to Touya's gravestone, once Akito finished checking what's up with Toya, both decided to visit and give a bouquet of flowers as Akito said a few things he wanted to say before leaving, though Toya couldn't understand why he would, he didn't question it.

"Hey, Toya." Akito calls.

The blue-haired android turns to the ginger, "yes, Akito?"

"Check the expiration date." Akito instructs, holding out the box for the android to scan because the ginger somehow forgot how to read expiration dates.

Toya did as he was told and scanned the box.

"The expiration date is xx/xx/xx."



"'Kay then."

"What are you going to do with that box of cookie mix, Akito?" Toya asked, wondering what his master plans on doing.

"I'm thinkin' 'bout makin' cookies. I'll also invite Kohane and Ms. Gay Ass while I'm at it."

"Ms. Gay Ass?"


Akito recalled he had bought a cookie mix of Touya's favorite cookies, but never thought there would come a day he would try baking for the first time; let alone not being able to help out in preparing food in the kitchen during his younger years.

"Toya, could you get my phone, please? I'm gonna call someone over."

"Yes, Akito." The android complied and gave the ginger his orange-cased phone as he dials who he refers to as Ms. Gay Ass.


"An, get your ass here and bring Kohane with you."

"That's not a nice thing to say, Mr. Genius."

"Let's consider this as a double date for us gay asses."

"Where are we gonna go?"

"To our house."

"Boring." An remarks.

"I have no idea where to go, dumbass."

"Let's see, a concert?"



"I might lose Toya."

"Movie Theater?"

"We have Netflix."

"Are you rich?"

"Maybe, but that's not important. Get your asses here right now."

Meanwhile, Toya was in confusion on what Akito meant by that phrase. As always, he questioned Akito about what it meant, resulting to red blush on his cheeks, which eventually filled his entire face like the bucket tool in digital art softwares.

ココロ (Scientist! Akito x Android! Toya)Where stories live. Discover now