Learning About Akito

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Many days have passed and if you still remember, it's no longer Akito's birthday. Because of his xxth birthday celebration, he managed to get a good night's sleep that night. That birthday celebration became one of the happiest memories he's had, but bringing Touya "back to life" still made him happy the happiest that his sleep has been improving a few days later despite the inconsistent sleep schedule he has.

His dreams were quite vivid that time; if I remember correctly, he dreamed about the time he and Touya went to a cafe as he happily ate a stack of pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate syrup on top whilst Touya drank coffee the day after the wedding show. He was basically basking in happiness with his favorite things together in that dream.

Though, those dreams involving Touya may hurt him a little bit, they still mean a lot to Akito. It was said that we have two deaths; one is when we disappear from the world and the second is being forgotten. Surely, if Akito forgot about Touya, the one who Akito had asked to sing with him, he would really pass.

"Akito, it is morning. Please wake up." Said Toya as he walked into Akito's room.

"Oh, fuck!"

Akito shot up like a bullet whilst tears welled up in his eyes. Those were not tears of sadness, they were tears of nostalgia. He didn't question anything about Toya though.

"Akito, you cried again." Toya notes upon scanning Akito's face yet, his voice is still as cold as ice.

"Just had a dream last night." Akito explains, sitting upright in bed. "What time's it?"

"It is 8:30 AM."

That's odd... He sniffed the room and noticed a slight aroma of coffee filling the room, calming him down a bit. Could it be Toya prepared it for him? In all honesty, Akito doesn't seem to recall giving him instructions regarding coffee, nor bring it to Akito's room, unless he accidentally input his schedule.

"Here is your morning coffee, Akito."

The redhead felt dumbfounded by the offer, but there's no way Toya learned how to make coffee. Maybe he bought the instant type of coffee or looked up tutorials on how to make coffee online.

"What type did we get from the grocery yesterday?"

"Black coffee."

"B-Black Coffee? I guess I should—"

"May I cool it down for you a bit? You did say 'before you chow down on your noodles, you must blow in order to have it cool down, but not too cold that it becomes as cold as metal. The same applies to other hot food.'" Toya quoted, even going as far as to mimic Akito's voice that made the said male flustered.

"Oi, I didn't give you the permission to imitate my voice. Plus, that was about food, but I guess we could also say the same for hot drinks." He covers his face, mortified.

"My apologies, Akito."

"I'll just drink it already."

In case of emergency, the split-haired android prepared a glass of water if Akito ever burns his tongue. After a small sip of coffee, Akito's response was retracting his quivering mouth not only from the heat, but the taste of it being as bitter as dark chocolate. A tiny part of his tongue stuck out, meaning he didn't like the taste, but it did make him feel energized. He just hopes he doesn't mean any harm.

ココロ (Scientist! Akito x Android! Toya)Where stories live. Discover now