Discovering the Program

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One hundred years slowly passed Toya by and was alone with nobody by his side, during those hundred years after Akito had left. His clothes already had tears on them and didn't mind it. All he did was do his usual routine without Akito and wait for him to come back so he could say "welcome home" to him. Unbeknownst to him, Akito wouldn't be able to come back as he recalled something about the heart, mentioned by the ginger. Without further ado, he went upstairs to check the computer as he began to boot it up.

『I want to know why Akito had had done everything for me, toiling away, working hard to make me that heart shortly before he left.

Akito had dropped to the ground, curling himself into a ball with tears rolling down whilst coughing endlessly. The reason to why he was is yet to be known. Toya seemed to have taken note of his master's health and ran to him and kneel down.

"Akito, what is wrong?" Toya asked.

The ginger had looked up and tried to reassure the android.

"N-Nothin's wrong, Toya." He attempted to smile as a trail of red seemed to have come out from his mouth.

He looked down upon his hand to notice a pool of blood red as he stared at it with shock.

"It is Hemoptysis. It can seriously endanger a human's health. Blood is in your lungs and can suffocate you."

The more Toya explained what really seemed to be Hemoptysis, the more Akito's nerves shook whilst coughing and collapsed on the bluehead.

"You need urgent care, Akito..."

Tears continued to stream down Akito's face; he was already beginning to lose hope and wouldn't be able to complete the program he's been working so hard to make for Toya. There wasn't much time left; he couldn't do it anymore.

"Akito, is there something wrong with the analysis?"

『Why was Akito crying?』

The memory stopped playing in his head until he remembered something else.

"ココロ"... I recall Akito was creating it.

The now curious android began to connect all of the necessary cables to him and the computer as he searched for the program and found a folder that said "Toya, don't open". Though it's an indirect order from Akito, Toya seemed to want to open it. Now disobeying Akito's orders, he clicked on the file as a message popped up.

『ID Authenticated: Project 525 "Aoyagi Toya"』

『Initiating "Heart" Program』

It was finally ready to start. The program is finally going to be installed. Maybe that could be the answer to—

『Critical Error: Unknown Virus in 525』

"A virus? Impossible. According to the program, there is nothing wrong." Toya attempted to remove the virus that seemed to be in his programming while typing out codes on the keyboard. "Akito created a miraculous robot, isn't that right, Akito?"


『Error repaired』

『Installing "Heart"』

ココロ (Scientist! Akito x Android! Toya)Where stories live. Discover now