𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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"𝐈'𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄." You said, closing the door to your apartment behind you. You had just came back from buying milk at the store.

"Thanks." Your mum muttered, her eyes glued to the work in front of her.

You placed the milk into the fridge then walked to your room, your desk was filled with books, some were for school but most were just because you loved reading.

You pulled out the book you recently borrowed from the public library, for some weird reason you felt the need to check the library checkout card. The name Matsuno Chifuyu was written above yours, he had borrowed this book two weeks before you.

"This guy..." You said, opening the other books you've already read.

You took out the library checkout cards from the front of all the books, noticing his name was on all the other library checkout cards too.

"I thought I'd seen that name before, he's taken all these books out before me. Matsuno Chifuyu... What's he like? I wonder if he's nice."


"(Y/N)! Get up!" Your mum yelled, "I'm leaving!"

You groaned sitting up, "bye!" You shouted, before the door closed.

You got ready for the day, making yourself breakfast after you got dressed. You decided to go out for a walk, you brought your book, a pencil and the poem you were currently writing.

You sat down on a bench in your favourite park, feeling less hot now that the shade from the tree was covering you.

You took out the poem you had been working on, reading it over. Sighing, you placed the poem into your book, watching the little kids play.

You had been sitting there for an hour or two, enjoying the fresh air, when someone disturbed your peace.

"(Y/N)-chan?!" A voice yelled from the distance.

You looked into the direction the voice came from, noticing it was your friend Sano Shinichiro. You and Shinichiro became friends when you first started borrowing books at the library he owned, despite the large age gap between you two, you both got along very well.

You knew he had a younger brother called Mikey, who was two years older than you. You've never talked to Mikey but the way Shinichiro described him made you want to meet him sometime. Apparently he's the leader of this big gang or something, you didn't know if it was true or not.

"Shinichiro-kun?" You questioned

"(Y/N), the series you wanted me to buy for the library finally came!" He exclaimed


"Yeah, come with me to the library so you can borrow it." He said, grabbing your wrist pulling you towards the library.

You and Shinichiro talked about books and motorcycles on the way to the library. You had never rode a motorcycle but it was something you wanted to do.

"Give me a minute, the books are in the storage room." Shinichiro told you, once you both entered the library.

You looked around in awe, this library was practically your second home. You stood there for a bit before realising you had forgotten your book. Your book that had your poem in it, the poem you were too scared to show to others.

"Shinichiro! I'll be back, I forgot my book!" You yelled, poking your head into the storage room.

"Huh?!" He said, but you had already ran out of the library door.

You sprinted back to the park, recklessly crossing the road. You hoped no one had read your poem, it was so important to you because you planned to give it to the person you would fall in love with in the future.

When you finally made it to the park, you walked over to the bench you were sitting at, trying to catch your breath. You noticed someone was sitting on the bench.

He had a choppy undercut, the top part of his hair dyed blonde while the sides were his natural black. He looked up, noticing your presence.

You gasped slightly, "that book..."

"Oh, is it yours?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

You were slightly intimidated by him since he was wearing a gang uniform and he had a piercing on his left ear that made him look pretty badass. But his eyes, they looked soft and welcoming.

"Here, '(L/N) (Y/N)'." He said, standing up and giving you the book.

"How do you know my name?" You questioned

"The library card. I really liked your poem by the way, I thought it was sweet." He gave you a close eyed smile before walking away.

"You read it?!" You yelled once he had walked away.

You walked back to the library, your mood now ruined. You know he probably didn't mean to read it but you couldn't help but feel angry at him for reading it.

You went back to the library, borrowed the books Shinichiro saved for you and went back home. You decided to take a nap before you had to cook dinner for you and your parents.

 You decided to take a nap before you had to cook dinner for you and your parents

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