𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 different stalls, Chifuyu's hand was intertwined with yours

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 different stalls, Chifuyu's hand was intertwined with yours. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you had a huge smile plastered across your face.

"Look!" You yelled, pointing to a stall selling big stuffed toys.

Chifuyu grinned, bringing you over to the stall. He noticed the stall had set up cans in a pyramid shape, and there were three balls you could use to knock the cans down.

"Which you do you want, I'll try to get it for you!" Chifuyu said

"Hm, that one is cute!" You pointed to a toy a bunny, it blue streaks on it. You chose it not only because it was cute but also because the blue reminded you of Chifuyu's eyes.

"I'll get it for you, I'm great at throwing," he said confidently.

Chifuyu payed the man who worked at the stall and threw the first ball. He didn't knock any cans down.

"I'm sure you'll be able to do it next time," you said.

Chifuyu nodded, throwing the next ball. He didn't knock any cans down.

"Don't worry, you have one ball left." You smiled

Chifuyu tried one last time, and he didn't knock any cans down. He sighed, a huge frown forming on his face.

You laughed slightly, "are you sure you're great at throwing?" You asked, ruffling his hair.

You pay the stall owner, now trying to win yourself the prize, since it was obvious Chifuyu wasn't as good at throwing as he made it seem.

You didn't knock any cans down on your first try but on you second you knocked them all down. You realised the aim to knocking the cans down was to throw the ball at the can in the centre of the pryamid, that was probably why Chifuyu didn't knock any cans down since he aimed for the one at the top of the pyramid.

The stall owner handed you the toy bunny you wanted, you thanked him, before walking over to Chifuyu. The blonde haired boy stood there with his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"Why so grumpy, Chifuyu? Are you not having fun?" You asked

"No, I'm having fun! I'm just disappointed I couldn't win that toy for you." He muttered

"How about you go over there with the toy, and then you walk over here and say '(Y/N)! Look at what I won you!' And I'll have a huge smile on my face because you won me a cute toy." You say to him

Chifuyu being the dumbass he is agreed to what you said, he thought that if he pretended he won the toy for you then your memory would be altered so you thought he actually won it for you. You being the nice person you are, played along and pretend that he won you the toy.

The whole festival was great, you walked from stall to stall, hand in hand with Chifuyu, trying different games and foods. The sky was now pitch black, it was announced that the fireworks were going to go off soon. You and Chifuyu sat on a hill, the festival was getting pretty crowded so you both decided to sit somewhere a bit more peaceful.

You rested you head on Chifuyu's shoulder, feeling a bit tired. He held one of your hands, drawing different patterns on your palm.

"I'm going to miss you a lot, even though I'm only going to be gone for a month." You mumbled

"I'm going to miss you too," Chifuyu replied. "When I read romance mangas and there are cute couples, I'm going to pretend it's me and you." His said just above a whisper

You felt heat rush to your cheeks, a small smile appeared on your face. You wanted to tell him you liked him, but you thought it'd be better if you told him once you came back from England. Chifuyu felt the same way, he wanted to confess his feelings for you once you returned from England.

Your thoughts were interrupted by golden fireworks appearing in the sky, the sight was beautiful. You lifted your head of Chifuyu's shoulder.

He looked at you, a feeling of confidence overtaking him. He leaned towards you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You felt as if fireworks were erupting in your body, you were so happy. You place a hand on the cheek that he kissed, a large smile on your face.

After the firework show, Chifuyu walked you home. You hugged him tightly, whispering thank you to him before walking into your house.

While walking home, Chifuyu did a mini happy dance. He kissed his crush on the cheek!!! Next time he'll make sure to kiss her in the lips.

 He kissed his crush on the cheek!!! Next time he'll make sure to kiss her in the lips

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