𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 the school corridor

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 the school corridor. Everyone had left school, only the teachers and a few students were still at school. You stayed late because your teacher wanted to discuss about your grades and how they want to put you in higher classes for certain subjects.

You did want to have more of a challenge and go to higher classes but at the same time you wanted to play it safe and just be the best in your current class. You'd have to talk to your parents about it since you know they'd like to decide with you.

You sighed, walking past a classroom when familiar messy blonde hair caught your eye.

I swear that boy is stalking me- you thought to yourself before huffing and walking into the classroom he was in.

"Stalker?!" You gasped dramatically

He snapped his head in your direction, a small grin appearing across his lips when he realised you were at the door.

"I should be the one calling you that." He stated

"Hm, you sure? Your the one following me around." You said

"I'm not following you around." He sighed

"Are you one hundred percent sure you aren't stalking me?" You asked

He paused for a second

"I haven't been stalking you!" He exclaimed

"You paused for a moment, that proves you have!" You laughed

"I haven't!" His cheeks were covered with a soft tint of pink.

"What are you doing at school anyway? Do you need tutoring like Baji?" You asked, walking over to him.

"I'm here because I have detention, the teacher just left me here. And I don't need tutoring... yet." He said

"How'd you get detention?" You questioned, sitting on the table in front of him.

"Baji-san set a tree on fire because he was hungry and I just stood there since he normally does things like that when he's hungry. Then the teacher came, Baji saw them and ran away but I didn't see the teacher so I got caught and they blamed me for doing it." He explained

You laughed at his words, "I've got to hang around Baji when he's hungry, setting things on fire seems kind of fun."

"He's kind of scary when he's hungry, he gets irritated easily." Chifuyu chuckled

"He doesn't get irritated when he's with me, maybe I've got magical powers."

"He's scared of you, that's why. He saw you make a kid cry because he wasn't listening to you when you were tutoring him. He also hates seeing his mum cry and your helping him get his grades up so he's nicer to you."

"I just realised how much power I hold as a tutor. I can teach people the wrong things so they fail, or I could threaten to do that, or I could make them pay extra. I love being a tutor!"

Chifuyu laughed at your words, "maybe I should become a tutor." He said

"You have to be smart to be a tutor." You stated

"I am smart!" He exclaimed

"You basically admitted you are a stalker, that's not very smart of you." You chuckled

Chifuyu huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair. He avoided your gaze, knowing that if he looked in your eyes his stomach would swarm with butterflies.

"Did you finish the book I gave you?" You asked

Chifuyu nodded his head, a soft smile forming on his face. He loved the book already and really wanted to read the other volumes.

"Great, I'll bring you the next two volumes tomorrow! Maybe we can read together? Oh, I know! We could have a book swap thing, you're reading the books I gave you, so you have to give me a book series you love and I'll read it. And then we tell each other what we liked about the books!"

Chifuyu's smile widened at your words, he leaned forward in his seat, eyes meeting your gaze once more. He looked at you in complete adoration, he found it cute how you were so excited about this small thing.

Don't get him wrong, he was excited too. He was going to be spending time with his crush after all, how could someone not be happy to spend time with their crush. He was also nervous, but he seemed to be doing a good job at hiding it.

He liked the fact that you loved reading and studying. You were the complete opposite of him, he hated studying and only read manga. But they do say opposites attract. Chifuyu just hopes that maybe one day you'll return his feelings.

"I'd like that." He said, flashing you a close-eyed smile.

He's so cute!! You thought

"Great! Meet me at Shinichiro's library this Saturday 11 am and then we can have lunch together!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Baji had listened to the whole conversation, he was hiding outside the classroom door. Earlier that day he had heard the teacher tell you to stay late after school, so he planned to make Chifuyu to stay late too.

He purposely didn't eat so he'd get hungry and burn something, and then he made it look like Chifuyu did it so he got detention and had to stay late. He made the teacher that was in the room with Chifuyu while he had his detention leave so for half an hour so that you and Chifuyu had enough time to make plans.

He knew you'd jump to the chance to get to know Chifuyu better and he knew you'd make plans with him to go to the library.

Baji smirked, I'm so smart. I don't need a tutor, I'm too smart for this world. Stage 1 of my plan has been a success! Time for stage 2. *devil face smirk*

 *devil face smirk*

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