Chapter 10-12

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Chapter 10: Clutched in Fear

1.) David looks at me. We laugh. "So who's your afternoon?" asked David. "It's fine... I guess. E.J. gives us a bottle of wine. "For the engaged couple..." said E.J. "Dude, this is too much." said David. "Come on David... We are both students of your uncle... our friendship is way, way back! And Flowers for the Lovely lady..." said E.J. as he gives me those Fae lilies. I stab myself with some of its thorn. "Aw!" I said. "You okay?" asked David. "I'm fine..." I said. "Oh... Ms. Drazel, is something wrong?" asked him. Dad goes to us. "David ma boy, we will be going back for now, please take care of me stubborn child." Said Dad as he and aunt goes back to the cars. "So... what do you want to do?" asked David. I am still a little bit sad, He noticed it, maybe?

2.) Later that night. I was having nightmares on a laboratory. The young David looked scared. He was very scared, I run to him as crawling vines started to run away. The people there became, people are all killed. Blood everywhere and this...Fae Lilies. Mom Pick me and David up. Dad pick this black sheep boy as we run to the entrance. "Mom... I'm scared." said The Sheep boy. I look at my hand, it was greenish. I tap my head. It has some sort or...rock? Crown? As I touch my ears, it was sharp, elven like.

3.) I woke up. I go outside my room. Back to the fireplace in the mansion. David was laying down on the big couch, looking at the stars tin the veranda. I joined him. "Can't sleep?" asked Shane. "Yeah..." said David. I join him and huddle close on his chest. "I'm having this bad dream... I don't understand. You were there, but you look like a elf with 3 spiked emerald crown, roots was wrapped around your arms, you are controlling them, helping me to get out." Said David. He snuggles closer to me and kiss me on the forehead. "Sometimes, I wonder, why we forget memories..." I said. "Sometimes, we forget it, to forget the pain... others. It's not really important, but some are too much to bare, that's why we... don't remember it." Replied David. We yawn and laugh again.

4.) On the next morning. I go down the lobby. E.J. was there, cleaning off the table. I go to him. I sat down. He looks at me. "What?" asked E.J. "No, I'm just curious... I mean, you are a sociopath? Psychopath? But... Tell me the truth, what's your relationship with David. E.J. Open the window. His hand becomes black and wooly. It vibrates. David goes down stairs and sit next to me.

5.) "David, Say the truth about us." said EJ. David looked weirded out. "E.J. is one of my best friends here. We knew each other since we are young. He also attended the same academy I was and college. All though, why this dumbass still stays here, he should be a good biologist..." said David. "Because I was needed here dumbass!" replied E.J. David and I go outside. E.J. keeps on washing his glasses. David and I go around town. I watch him doing Patrol work. Heath was facilitating some other people younger than them, seems like junior cadets. One of them. Shane goes to the flowershop. E.J. was drinking coffee 2 blocks away. "Uhm... Who's that Innkeeper?" asked Shane. "Oh... E.J.? He's an orphan... Adopted by the former Sheriff, such a jolly young lad..." said by her. "I mean... He's full name." said Shane. "Now come to think of it... I don't remember..." said The Flowershop keeper.

6.) Shane goes to a restaurant. David goes inside. David picks a blue lily like flower. "Fae lily... Why I know this flower?" I asked myself. "Oh... I pick one up... I think you will like it..." said David. It put a smile on my face. "I wonder though... why people, seems to be accepting on... non-humans here?" I asked. "It's a long story, there are laws here that threat us as endangered sub-species of humans... by the prime minister himself, if maneaters are found, they will be killed by an operative..." said David. He ponders.

"It's Obvious, they will not remember anything and everything."

7.) "Who's that operative that kills maneating monsters..." david obviously won't remember... E.J. made him forget. Bernie goes inside. "Oh... My favorite couple. David..." said Bernie as he hands down papers. "There are residues of aphrodisiac gasses in the Pyramid mountain. The waitress looks at us. "Oh Sheriff, Sir Bernard... " said by her. "The usual..." said David." We ate some corn. David seems to be avoiding shellfishes, crustaceans, coffee and chocolate, he smiles at me with his cute fangs hanging just right. He is very cute. I can stare at him forever. Then comes afternoon. Now, I'm a bit board. I went to patricia lake, then wait even more. The sunset is quite nice as I sat down the ramp and play footsies on the lake.

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