Chapter 1-3

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Chapter 1: The Lone Wolf

1.) It was morning and It's chilly, I crawl out my sleeping bag, this sucks. I miss my soft bed. I miss my rich, princess life. No! I am here to prove dad... I am... What really am I proving? I am just too curious for that guy in the lake and this David dude! Oh Shane...Shane...Shane. I can barely see his face, but his eyes, the moonlight striking it. He is quite handsome. I stand up and pack my things, That David guy seems to be a sheriff of some sorts. Maybe, If I wonder around... I would see him... He's here somewhere...

2.) I started to wonder, and look at the beauty of the wilderness. This trail is a reserve park, It was a lush beautiful town of lakes and forests, I was lucky that they don't have predatory animals here or somewhere. It was just few miles away from a town! Oh! A cabin! There is a lumberjack in his typical Red Plaid Long sleeved shirt.

3.) "Hello! Good Morning!" I said. He faces me. Wait. I look at the picture , and look at him. "You are that David guy?" I asked. He looked shocked. He blushes as he turns away. He has some gorgeous wild looking short beard and Deep Sapphire Blue eyes! Wait! I have been up all night fantasizing about that naked man on the lake! He is somewhat intimidating, in a hot way... like, he will eat your soul. Gobble,gobble. Rawr.

4.) You! It was you yesterday?!" I shouted as I go in front of him. He looks very handsome the closer and closer you look.. He was pale-ish, but he was also quite Red. Though with blushing red ears and cheeks. "Hey, you don't remember me don't you? We accidentally bathe together yesterday! Also, last year... you, kinda... Save my handbag and Pooch-pooch inside..." I said.

5.) He was avoiding my gaze as he and says, "Go away..." in a deep manly voice. I sigh. "Okay..." I replied. He looks at me. Is he... going to gobble my soul now? He looks like he wants to say something, but something holds him back. I look a little further, the lake hare is connected to the other lake I swam yesterday. "Dude! I swam in that place yesterday! I am naked because, I thought I was alone!" I said. This guy sighs again as he puts down his axe. The radio starts to speak up.

6.) "Sheriff... We got another missing case, it is near the Inn..." said by someone on the radio. He speaks to it. "Sheriff David reporting, I'll go there, give me a sec!" said by him. He really is David! He takes a bag as he sprints and jump very, very, very high. Amazing! He really is some sort of superhuman or something. I walk down to the village. It was few miles away. I see David in his in a Red Sheriff uniform near the Inn, listing notes. He was with a Chinese looking guy with an Orange sheriff uniform. I notice the others, have a certain set of uniform.

7.) Why is he wearing a red Sheriff uniform? Look like a cross between a Mountie's uniform with Police pants. Kinda cool looking, he has a tall-muscle type physique, where his uniform is tucked in, making him... yum. Wait! Why is he here on the village?! David sees me. I wave at him. His deputy sheriff friends look like they are teasing him. He punched one in the shoulder, tossing him 10 feet away. "Aw! Chief!" shouted by him. The Orange uniformed Asian guy goes to him. They are talking about a metal ball of some sorts. It started to ring. They look alarmed as David looks at me again. I wink at him. He faces away. The orange uniformed guy goes back inside a car and drives away. The Inn Keeper was listening to his headset as he punches David softly in the Shoulder. They are talking about something.

8.) A Lady in her early fifties looks at me. "Dear, I'm sorry.... But you look, vaguely familiar." She said. David looks at us. "Oh my goodness! Baby Boy! It's your childhood sweetheart!" said by her as she hugs me. Uhm, what? She looks at my face, "Wow! You are very,very pretty! Dabby! Dabby! Look! It's Shane! Oh please, forgive Dabby, he's quite shy!" she said. "I'm so sorry, but...I can't remember you..." I said. Uhm, again. What? I don't remember...This Place. "Oh Shane Victoria Drazel... It's me! Selena Villalobos. I'm your neighbor when you are about 4, I think... Dabby was 5 that time and that... who is that other boy?Anyways! Your mother, Victoria was a friend of mines... You should come with us!" said Selena

Song of the Stars Story 1: Man on The LakeWhere stories live. Discover now