Chapter 13-14

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Chapter 13: The Great Fog

1) We stop over the laboratory. Dad and his men arrives. "So.... What will you do?" asked Dad to David. "E.J. can manipulate people, even making memories false. "But Do you want to know what really happened Back then?" asked Dad.

"I do..." said David.

"Me too..." I replied.

Dad dials the number on a Safe. 21354. It opens up. There are few CDs and Other recording equipment. He takes a VHS. He takes out a VHS reader as he opens a cabinet with an Old T.V. He plugs it in an old T.V. It was on, then he puts the VHS in.

2) There is a Gigantic White wolf with a Single Blue Horn. The Gray man holds him using gray vines. David looks away as the giant wolf whimpers as the gray branches forcedly shove the humans inside David's mouth. "More! So will became even more powerful from humans!" said the Gray Man.

"My, My... I need Tame you!" said The Gray Man. He looks at the Camera , The camera holder puts it down. It was Mom.

"Jonas! Shane! Do not come!" said Mom as Dad Takes the Camera with me. Green vines hold the Grayman back.

3) Mom and The Gray man started to surround the area in Vines. The White Wolf becames a small David. The small black were-sheep takes David away towards us. The camera zooms out.

"Please, Take David Away..." said by a Beautiful American-asian woman as She goes towards the Gray man throws a seed on the were-sheep. The Great wolf was forcedly feed a Human...He... He looks...Oh no.

4) "David, Someday, you will understand all of this...Don't let anger control you..." said by her, as she runs and presses a red button. We run away even faster. The camera zoomed to us. Then to David's Uncle, Sheriff David.

"Where is my brother? Where is Tala Amihan?" said by him. The Laboratory...This laboratory exploded. Then The VHS feed cuts.

5) David looks away. He was sad and angry. I go to him and hug him.

"You will be fine David, you will be fine." I said to him. Late in the evening.

I woke up. David was looking at me with tears in his eyes. "David..." I said to him as I touch his cheek. He smiles a little and kiss my hand. "I remember what happened.... How the Gray Man, forced me to eat humans... including my dad." Said David as tears flows even more from his eyes as he says,

"I want revenge Shane..." I hug him and put him near my bosoms.

"If you wanted too David. Just, don't let too much anger, control you..." I said. I kiss his forehead and sing my Mother's lullaby.

6) Someone knocks on the door. I open it. "Is the Employees room good?" asked Dad.

"Dad! I'm awake... We're awake." I said.

Dad opens it. He looks at us. He signs for me to go outside. "Here Shane, Take this... This are ability suppressors, unlike the original ones, your mom made... This can only suppress one's ability for days... While, your ability suppressors lasted for years and, Your mom wanted you to have a HUMAN LIFE. I'm sorry, I never told ye the truth.." said Dad.

7) "It's fine dad... So, Mom did not need a sperm donor to make me?" I asked him. I look the forests as I move my hand, the nearby tree waves it's leaves. "Yeah... Astral Singer was her first name... Your mom was once a Singing Flower that came from space, years back.

She's probably 200 years old or something when we find her in Biringan, Philippines. She takes the form of the woman that took care of her hundreds of years back... and her songs... Are enchanting...That's why we Call Her ASTRAL SINGER... Coz of that." Said Dad.

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