Prologue: The Man in The Lake

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The Man on the Lake Prologue

"Sing to me...the song of the stars" a whisper to my ear, on memories I don't remember.

"Huh?" I said, as I fall asleep again? I just sigh and look at my blonde hair and green eyes in the mirror. I run away from my glamourous home, because I want to prove to dad, I am capable of myself, without all his money... No, I am here to find someone... That man, I was enamored with. It was a year ago. He was riding his big bike as he takes my handbag from a thief. He accidentally drop a picture. I never knew his face, until I saw the picture. The deep Blue eyes, pale-ish skin, he was handsome, very handsome... I want to return this. He is the near the Astral Singer Steel Manufacturing Company.

I stand up and stretch my body... Here in Banff,Canada. The view was always breathtaking, the lake, the mountains and rivers...But I must keep going. I look at my fake I.D. Card, with make fake name, Shane Green. I'm a 24 year old New Yorker, who left home to pursue this handsome fella.

I wear my pink t-shirt and green jeans. I must move. I hitched a ride with an old couple. "Are you going to Alberta?" I asked. "Yes dear... Want to join us?" asked the old lady, probably in her 50's. "So, what a pretty, pretty lady like you travelling alone,eh?" asked the Oldman. "Probably, visiting Alberta... That place looks nice..." I said. "Oh... Alberta is nice... Especially our place in Jasper!" said by the woman. I was fascinated of this Person, named David. David V. Star II, written at the back of the picture.

Then we arrived at Jasper few hours later. "Thank you!" said to them. I arrived in the streets. What a lovely town with a mountain view. I go to a nearby inn. "Good morning, nice day for hiking, eh? Hue, hue!" said by the innkeeper. He looks kinda... extra happy, Kinda cute and muscle-y as he rubs his brown hair. For some unknown reason, I feel irritated near him and his rare amber eyes too.

I drop a picture on my bag accidentally. He picks it. "Oh! David?" asked him. "You know this guy?" I asked. "Well, his a celebrity... He lives near Lake Patricia. He's quite a handsome fella, even I can say, Nohomo...Well, he is but...ordinary." replied by him. "Okay...Can I go to the mountains?" I persuaded. "Yeah... sure. He's the acting sheriff anyways... so, you are, safe." Replied him as he looks at me from head to toe. "You are quite a pretty lady... do I know you?" asked him.

"Uhm, thanks, but,uhm...I need a room, for one person..." I said to him. He gives me a key. I give him a credit card. He swipes it. The denying bleep echoes the lobby. "Oof...Sorry miss, denied." This is embarrassing... I dashed outside. I have read camping materials before anyways. Now, I end up in a crystal clear lake in the mountain sides. It was cold... But I am lucky it was summer right now, or I will freeze to death. Achoo! Still it's colder though. I kinda stink too.. Lucky, there is a lake nearby. Lucky me. I remove my clothes and bathe in the lake. It' was cold, but I feel clean. How wonderful the moon is. Like a lovely ghost, floating in the sky, leaving trails of stars. I look back. I see a muscular pale man, 10 feet away. The very short Black hair, the nicely alluring short beard, he is gorgeous.

Wait... He is naked... I am naked.. I can feel the blood pumping unto my veins, as the man looks at me in his sapphire blue eyes. He looked away. I turn away. "Sorry, I didn't see you..." said by him. I just heard a loud splashing sound. It piqued my curiosity so I look back. He was gone.I look at the Moon as I see the Naked man's muscular body. He landed on the forest. Am I dreaming?

Song of the Stars Story 1: Man on The LakeWhere stories live. Discover now