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tw: mention of rape and self harm
[2220 words]


I carefully began to inspect the relatively small flat. I found two rooms with a bed, so I randomly chose one and started to settle down, which wasn't that hard since I had exactly one backpack and one suitcase. Dad will send the rest of my stuff when he has time.

Dad...I miss him already and it's been only few hours. C'mon, y/n! You've always wanted this, you have a chance to live your dream, so shut up and stop complaining. Plus he's gonna visit you with Em. Head up!

I picked up my suitcase, put it on the bed and started unpacking. First thing I took in hand was, of course, my teddy bear Ruby. Dad brought him to the hospital when I was born and I've been taking him with me ever since. I kissed his head and put him on a pillow.

I'll have to buy some new bedsheets, this is a disaster.

I grinned and started paying attention to my clothes. I was completely done probably in an hour.

I could use some tea.

With that thought I went to the kitchen to look if something was even there. The first thing I saw was a kettle. Good start. I began to investigate all the cupboards and shleves and successfully enough, there was a single box of tea. I excitedly opened it and then closed it only a fraction of a second after.

What the fuck are bugs doing there? Is that a cockroach? Oh my god.

I disgustedly threw the beetle tea away and decided to look in the fridge. One can of beer. Expired.

Fantastic. Let's go shopping.

Just when I was going to my room to grab my wallet, the door suddenly opened. I jumped good 50 centimeters to the air.

"Hello?" exclaimed a male voice. "Mister Jones let me in, he said you're already here,"continued. I couldn't help but smile. The voice was very calming. I started walking to the hall.

"You should've arrived in the evening," I said a little more annoyed then planned.

"Well hello to you too, miss, and nice to meet you," replied the man infront of me sarcasticaly.

He was standing very uprirght; I was surprised that someone could have such a good posture. Legs very slightly bent and tips of the shoes pointed directly straight ahead. Torso was straight as a ruler and head slightly tilted. His arms were provocatively based on the hips.
He was relatively tall, maybe 180 centimeters, and looked around 25.
His face was oval with sharp jawline and distinctive cheekbones. His rounded, slightly narrowed eyes shined with the brightest shade of green I have ever seen. He was looking at me through cat-shaped sunglasses that were sitting on his aquiline nose. He had freckles all over his cheeks; some of them reached his forehead and chin. His perfectly carved, pink tinted lips were pulled into a grinn.
His hair could be described as a disheveled chaos. It was sticking out in all directions, but it looked like the most natural and beautiful thing on him. I supposed his hair was dyed, this rich jet black probably doesn't even exist naturaly.
He was wearing black tank top, white, loose pants and classic Doc Martens. Around his neck was tight leather strap and necklace made from white pearls. He also had rings on his fingers. Too many rings even. And his nails were painted - you guessed it - black.

"Would you like a picture?" asked amusedly. I realised I was probably staring at him like as if he was some kind of magical creature.
"I'm Malcolm," he added, still highly entertained.

Intoxicated [Helena Bonham Carter X fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now