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I woke up, out of nowhere, in the middle of the night. I wasn't having a nightmare, I wasn't thirsty, nothing. In fact, there wasn't any reason why to wake up. I am under normal circumstances a hard sleeper; I could go to bed at 10 pm and wake up easily at midday. So what was happening that I had be awake exactly at 2:48 am?

I was nervous. Maybe scared. Yes, that's the right word: scared. My job at the café was about to start in the morning. That sounds like normal thing. Yes, for normal people it is, in fact, a normal thing. But I am everything but normal when it comes to such a thing, let's be honest. The fact that I'm jittery about any changes isn't something unusal; a lot of people face anxiety caused by radical changes. The main reason is, I've never worked before. It's true, I'm 19 years old, until now my main interest was school and education; of course, I would help my father during holidays time to time, but that was it. This, this is truly my first proper 9-5 job. And that is scary. Even tho it shouldn't have been. Absolute majority of people lives like this for aproximately 50 years and they are okay with it. And I wish them the happiness and satisfaction, I really do. But it's not for me. For me, this lifestyle is comparable to prison.

So what was my biggest fear? The fact that I'm starting a completely new job I've never done before? The fact that I could fuck something up during every possible shift? The fact that I could have the worst colleagues ever? No. My biggest fear is that I would actually have to do this my whole life. Wake up at 7 am, go to work and do the only thing over and over again for 8 hours, get home at 6 pm, make dinner, chat with some people and go to sleep. And repeat this rutine for the rest of my life.

I carefully sat up on the bed and reached for a glass of water I had put on the nightstand. I wasn't even thirsty, yet I still took a sip. Just because my brain said so. Humans really don't have a free will. I decided to get my phone and check some social media to kill time. I started with Facebook, practically just to de-activate it. I don't understand what am I still doing there. I really don't have to see my dad's friends' fifth barbecue of the month. Done. Then I got a wonderful idea. I have a new life, new name, I'm in a whole new country. I'm gonna delete everyone I know from instagram and change my username. I'll create a completely new beginning. I quickly got to my account and erased my birth name with a grin. I've never liked it anyways. I was thinking about what variation of my chosen name I would use; then I opted for the easiest one: y/n_y/l/n. I smiled happily since it wasn't taken. I really chose my name wisely.

After few minutes of scrolling I began to feel tired.


I put my phone away and immediately fell asleep.


I woke up again exactly at 7 am, because there was a roaring phone just mere centimeters next to my ear. I groaned and, without moving my head from the pillow, I held out my arm, trying to blindly turn off the alarm. Of course I wasn't successfull, instead I achieved that my phone dropped on the floor with a loud thud.

Fucking monday. Starting of smoothly, I see. Remember to step on the right foot.

With this thought I finally got up and turned off the fucking device. I yawned and decided to go to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. The truth is, after my blissfully spent night I would need a pure caffeine injected to directly to my bloodstream. I didn't even bother to dress up and started walking, still in my sleeping clothes. Just when the water began to boil, Mac came out of his room.

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