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It was eight o'clock in the morning. To be clear, that's extremely early in my vocabulary. I didn't sleep well last night. Well, I haven't slept well in a hot minute honestly. The last few days have been - how do I put it - hectic. A lot of things just happened to fast that I didn't even have a proper chance to recuperate [i have no idea if that word is accurate, i had to use google translate🤡]. Now I was at this non-christian morning hour at work, sitting on a chair, drinking coffee and trying not to fall asleep while Harper was describing her relationship drama to me. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be a good friend and actually listen, maybe even give advice, but this whole story was so complicated that it didn't take me long to get totally lost. And after another moment, I straight up fell asleep.

"Y/n!" Harper's very loud angry voice woke me up. I quickly raised my head and opened my eyes, which almost immediately met her sad and reproachful gaze. In a split of a second I realised what had happened and a wave of regret overcame me.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Harper," I breathed out.

"If I'm making you fatigue by any chance, just tell me," she stated sarcasticaly. It was clear that this topic meant a lot to her.

It was about her boyfriend. Or boyfriends? This whole situation was kinda confusing, but what I've understood so far, she was having troubles with one of her boyfriends. His name is Robin and apperently, he's not a very bright human being. He and Harper had been dating for like three months, however he somehow managed to overhear one subtle fact: Harper was polyamorous and already in one relationship. And he found that out by seeing her in a park with someone else and made a really big deal out of it. It was an unpleasant situation for everyone involved, and that counts even random passerbies and other park visitors. To say Harper was embarrassed would be an understandment. She was scattered. Because of everything. How was she going to fix things with Robin, how was she going to explain to her other partner that this was a one time thing which won't happen again. She was afraid that both of them are going to leave her. And now, she was sitting infront of me, on the other side of a table, nervously tapping her nails against a cup with hot tea. She was trying so hard not to cry. She looked directly at me with her beautiful eyes full of pain and regrets. "I don't know what to do, y/n," she said plainly.

It was truly an inconvenient situation. Extremely unusual, or at least for me. I've never experienced anything like this before, so I had exactly no clue how to advise her. But I also really wanted to help; she trusted me enough to tell me all of this - I couldn't disappoint her. I cleaned my throat as if I was about to give a president speech.

"Honestly, Harper, I have no idea what to do. Do you like one more than another?"

"God no. I've been with Peter for longer time, yes, but I can't say that I like him more or something like that."

I nervously massaged my temples.

Girl, you're not helping me at all right now.

"Okay, so choosing one is out of the picture, I get it. Well, in that case, there's nothing to talk about. You told Robin you had already been with someone before you two started dating, right?"

Harper just nodded 'yes'.

"See? This is in no way your fault, you did everything you could, Robin is just a moron, that's it. It will sort itself out, just give it some time," I said kindly and took her hand in mine, softly running my thumb over her knuckles while trying to maintain eye contact. She sighed deeply, as if she tried to give air an abilty to heal.

Intoxicated [Helena Bonham Carter X fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now