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a/n: this chapter has various throwbacks and since i didn't want to write the whole word everytime it happens, they are separated by the "~" thing

tw: consuming alcohol (but nothing too fucked up)

[2519 words]

Months were passing by and I began to fall in love with London more and more every day. I was slowly adapting to english lifestyle and it already felt like I had been living here since birth. After all these years, it felt like I belonged somewhere. Maybe I could say I had finaly found my home.

The job at the café was much better than I originaly expected. The truth is, I always expect the worst: annoyed colleagues, rude 'karen' customers and generaly exhausting shifts, after which I would want to just kill myself. And again, it turned out that my anxiety and overthinking are unnecessarily making my every day life harder.

I even befriended one of my colleagues. Well, I'm not sure if it can be described as friendship, but we got further than "hi" and "see you tomorrow".
Her name is Harper. Such an interesting name, isn't it? It literally means "harp player" and frankly, I've never met a person whose name would fit more than this bubbly redhead. Her voice was high-pitched and so incredibly tender; as if angels lent her their magical vocal chords. I can vividly remember the day we saw each other for the first time.


I got to work ridiculously early. As always. The only person there was Jennifer. My heartbeat flew up. She was standing behind a counter, paying attention to coffee machines. Her curls were happily bouncing on her head while she was intently and quite harshly cleaning the desk.

Why am I so nervous? Sure, she is my boss, an authority. But everything went well yesterday, she very obviously accepts me and she's kind; so why on Earth am I shaking so much? It doesn't make any sense. It's probably because of that sudden change, that happens often. Yes, that's it: a change.

With that thought I entered the café. A small bell above the door notified Jennifer that someone had walked in. She turned around with the biggest smile.

"Oh, hi y/n/! You're early, your shift starts in 20 minutes," said Jennifer happily and I felt like I forgot every english word I had learnt in my entire life.

"Eh, I always come early, just to be sure," I managed to mumble and quickly went to the dressing room.

Jesus, y/n, calm the fuck down! You're not exactly helping your situation, I thought while putting on my apron. It's your first day, so don't screw it up.

I carefully walked back and slightly smiled.

"Am I going to find out what to do, or...?"

"Yeah, sure," answered Jennifer kindly. "I have to go now to sort some boring financial stuff out," she sighed exhaustedly. I felt sorry for her; having to care about your business isn't fun. She was now standing infront of a coffee machine with a cloth in her hand and looked like she was thinking about meaning of her existence.

She's truly beautiful! How old could she be? 35, maybe?


I twitched slightly.


"Harper is gonna be here any minute, she will explain everything."

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