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Life was easier, yet harder for Iris.

Living with aunt Rebecca and uncle Solomon was nice. Their house was large enough and homely. The two of them were good people, who treated Iris well.

Even the school Iris started attending at six was a good one. Solomon had pulled some strings to have his nieces attend the same school as his own children.

The school itself was bright, full of colors. And the teachers were the best in the region. However, what mattered to a child was to find someone to play with. And Iris struggled to do so. At home, her cousins much preferred Sarah's company, claiming Iris was a freak because she looked different.

And no matter how many times Rebecca would attempt to convince her niece how loved and special she was, it wasn't enough for the children at school, who would tackle the little girl to the ground and tug on her braids. The teachers would scold at first, then dismiss it as teasing, claiming Iris had to grow up and develop thicker skin.

In spite of the fact that Iris was practically friendless at school and teased by her peers on the streets, she still had her aunt and uncle to turn to.

Or at least she thought so.

Of course, good things never lasted.

Iris [TWILIGHT]Where stories live. Discover now