Chapter 26

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A tantalizingly delicious scent woke me from my dreams the following morning. Avani was already up, and I could hear her bustling about the kitchen. I rose and pulled on my robe, then went to see what she was up to. She was chopping ingredients for miso soup when I walked in, rice was steaming on a burner, and a couple pieces of fish rested on a wooden slab, salted in preparation for grilling. The kettle was just beginning to whistle on another burner, so I started a pot of tea brewing, then I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her neck as she worked. "Mmm, my second favorite way to start the day. It smells wonderful."

She grinned, saying, "I'm glad you approve," but didn't stop her preparations. Soon we were sitting down to breakfast, which was every bit as delicious as it had smelled.

As we ate, Avani paused and said, "Will you do me a favor, Leo?"

I looked up at her, and smiled. "Certainly, if I'm able, but that rather depends on the favor."

She toyed with a morsel of fish for a moment before saying, "I'd like you to be here when I talk with Dylas. Will you stay?"

I set down my fork as I watched her fidgeting nervously, and asked quietly, "Are you afraid of him? Of what he may say or do?"

She looked up in surprise. "No, I'm not afraid of Dylas. But... he and I are both so stubborn and hot-headed. I'd like to have a calm, rational conversation with him, but I don't know if we can manage that. You're so cool and collected, I'd feel better having you there, keeping us in line."

"So you want me to act as a referee?" I said, amused.

She laughed. "I guess that's one way to put it. But yeah, pretty much that. Will you? Please?"

"If My Lady wishes, I will stay," I replied with a smile.

"Thanks, Leo. I appreciate it very much. I'd better get going now. I want to get my morning work out of the way quickly. Just leave your dishes, and I'll wash up when I return. I'll see you in a while," she said gathering up her dishes and stacking them by the sink. She kissed me between my ears and darted out the door.


I had finished my breakfast and was just starting to wash dishes while waiting for a pot of coffee to brew when I heard a knock coming from the main chamber. Looking at the wall clock in surprise, I saw that it was not quite 8:00. It was too late to be Vishnal's wake-up call and too early to be Clorica wanting to tidy.

Then the knock came again, a little louder this time, and I realized it was coming from the front door, not the side door to Venti's chamber as I had thought. I unlocked and opened the door, and Dylas was standing there.

"Is... Is Avani here?" he asked, frowning at my attire and the implications thereof.

"She's out doing her morning chores," I replied, letting him in. "Have a seat; she'll be back shortly. I just made coffee, if you're interested." He nodded, then stopped and frowned again, his nose twitching, as he stared at the disheveled bedding. Turning abruptly away from the sight, he sat in one of the chairs next to the fireplace, his back to the back door.

I returned to the kitchen and finished washing up, then poured two cups of coffee. I set one on the table and handed the other to Dylas, saying, "If you'll excuse me a minute, I'll just get dressed." He scowled and nodded curtly, and I walked over to the wardrobe.

I had a few items of clothing there, so I pulled some out and proceeded to dress. I was aware that Dylas seemed uncomfortable, but I ignored him. It hadn't bothered him before—only now that Avani and I had become intimate did it seem to disconcert him—and I had a low tolerance for such priggishness. Sooner or later, whether he liked it or not, he was going to have to come to terms with the alterations to our relationships.

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