Chapter 32

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As we left the tower, Forte stopped Avani. "Avani, are you ready for this? You know that they'll attack as soon as you approach. I want you to be sure you're well-prepared."

Avani put her hand on the knight's shoulder, saying with a smile, "Thank you, Forte, for your concern. You've trained me well, and I think I'm prepared for whatever they throw at me. I wish you could join me, but I know that you are essential to the defense of the town."

Forte looked down at the petite warrior as she turned to Arthur, and her usually harsh expression softened. "'And lo, the student shall become the master, and the master, the student,'" I heard her say in a low voice, speaking as though quoting someone, though I knew not whom. Then she saw me watching her, and she straightened up, turned on her heel, and strode away, once again stern in demeanor.

In the meantime, Arthur was discussing the situation with Avani. I walked up to her and put my arm around her as he was saying, "Well, whether they are attacking the city or not, they nevertheless have invaded our kingdom—the capitol must be warned about this. That must be the first priority; while I would defend Selphia even with my life, nevertheless, I would sooner see the city fall and the kingdom safe than lose everything. So I must report this development to the King immediately."

"But, Arthur—if they should attack! Can't you just... drop me off?" she exclaimed, obviously frustrated by the prince's caution.

"What, on my way to the capitol? No, Avani, I cannot. I will not send you there without the ability to provide you with adequate backup, should you need it."

She opened her mouth to protest again, but he raised his hand to silence her. "No, there's no use in further discussion. I've heard your arguments, and my mind is made up. I suggest you use this time to recover from your most recent battle and to make whatever preparations you deem necessary. I should only be a day or two—three at the most. When I return, you may launch your attack. But not until then. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Your Highness," she hissed through clenched teeth, then with a curt bow, she turned on her heel and stalked back towards the castle. I was surprised that Arthur was so... unperturbed by her insolence.

My face must have betrayed my thoughts, because he smiled when he turned and looked at me, saying, "You're wondering why I don't call her out for insubordination. Well, Leon, partly it's because I'm not as... imperious as most of my kinsmen are, and partly because she really is a fine warrior—though she'd make a terrible soldier. And, too—though I don't know why I'm inclined to tell you this, under the circumstances—it's partly because I'm so deeply attracted to her, despite knowing that she sees me as a prince, not as a mere man."

He turned to look towards the castle, a look of regret on his face. "It's funny, isn't it? Most women would be beside themselves to have a prince fall in love with them. But... not her."

I gave him a sympathetic smile. "But then, Avani isn't most women."

He sighed and smiled ruefully at me. "No. And, paradoxically, that is what I love most about her." He shrugged, then turned and walked back to his offices, leaving me staring thoughtfully after him.


I caught up to Avani in her fields a few minutes later. She had very recently expanded her property, and she was clearing her new land with a fury—pulverizing rocks and demolishing tree stumps. I knew the pattern well by now, of course; whenever she was angry or perturbed in spirit, she took out her emotions on inanimate objects. Usually she would hammer away at her forge, but apparently she decided this time to dispel her fury in a more useful manner, rather than simply smashing sword blanks.

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