Chapter 58

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“I’ve been thinking about baby names,” Avani commented as we sat relaxing before the fire after a long day of visiting the good citizens of Selphia, delivering New Year’s gifts to everyone. She had chosen to celebrate her first New Year’s Day in Selphia in that manner, and had done so every year since. And as usual, she had gone to great pains to give each person something that they especially loved or wished for. She had made each gift herself or had grown it in her own gardens, as handmade gifts were still preferred to purchased items in our town. It was a painstaking process that required days of preparation, gathering components as well as making everything, and she had spared no effort despite her condition. She did the same thing at Christmas each year, too, so by the end of New Year’s Day, she was exhausted from her endeavors, more so this year than ever.

I set my book down and put an arm around her shoulders to draw her closer. “Oh? And have you reached a decision, My Lady?” I smiled at her pensive expression.

“No… not exactly. But I was thinking that I’d like to name our child in honor of Venti,” she said, looking up at me. “I mean, she was such a dear friend to us both, and besides—she’s the reason we met in the first place. If it hadn’t been for her, our child wouldn’t even exist.”

“That’s true enough, and those are very good reasons for making her our child’s namesake, but are you actually proposing to name our child Ventuswill?” I frowned at the thought of a child with a dragon’s name—and a Native Dragon at that.

“Oh, no—that isn’t what I meant at all. I mean, I’d like to name the baby in her honor, not use her actual name. That would be strange and, well, kind of presumptuous, don’t you think? To give a human child a Native Dragon’s name? And even if it wasn’t, it would be a lot to live up to. I mean, just imagine growing up burdened with the name Fiersome! No, I just meant something that would kind of… commemorate her. So that if somehow… if there’s some way that she… that she can see us from the Forest of Beginnings… so that she knows that she’s still very much in our hearts and minds, you know,” she said, blushing as she struggled to convey her meaning.

“I think I understand,” I mused. “And I think it’s a lovely idea. Depending, of course, on what names you actually come up with.”

“I’ll think about it and let you know,” she smiled at me, nestling down against me.

I picked up my book and resumed my reading as she leaned against me, slipping into a light doze. The foxes wandered in from whatever crepuscular activities they had engaged in, phasing through the heavy wood door at the back of the room, and immediately leaped up onto Avani’s lap to soak up her surplus warmth while basking in the fire’s glow. They arranged themselves as best they could around her round belly as they resolidified, presenting themselves for petting.

I had been surprised by how quickly her belly had expanded, but Nancy reassured me that she was in perfect health. She also pointed out that some women just show more or sooner than others, and given how petite she was, it was not at all surprising that she already had a good-sized bump. Not that I minded, of course—watching the new life created by our union growing and thriving within her filled me to bursting with pride and joy.

After a while, Avani stirred and sleepily suggested we head off to bed. She was tired from the day’s activity, and she reminded me that the next couple of days would be equally busy for her. She’d met with Arthur and Volkanon before Christmas, and after a lengthy discussion, they’d all agreed to have a feast-day on Venti’s birthday—not a public festival, exactly, but rather a private commemoration for those who had known and loved her. So it was agreed upon that the town would close up early that day and gather at Porcoline’s restaurant for a party to celebrate her life—a birthday party at which the guest of honor would unavoidably be absent.

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