Chapter 36

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I fell backwards into nothingness, plummeting earthwards. In that moment, the scales fell from my eyes, and I realized the depths of my feelings for Avani. A wrenching pain tore my heart asunder, knowing I would never have the chance to tell her of my discovery, nor to live out my days in her company. A cry of anguish escaped my lips... only to be cut short as I jolted to a stop. Looking up, I saw Avani, flung halfway over the edge of the deck, her hand gripping my arm. Her face contorted as she struggled to maintain her grip and her balance, scrambling to find purchase even while trying to pull me up. Slowly but steadily, she dragged me upwards until she was able to reach me with her other hand.

Gripping me with both of her hands, she strained back until at last I was able to reach my free hand to the edge of the gangplank. She gave a last mighty heave and fell backwards across the deck, with me sprawled across her, panting and breathless. With a stifled sob, she flung her arms around me, kissing me all over my face and neck as she gasped for air. "I... I thought I'd lost you, too," she sobbed into my neck in a strangled voice.

"Well," I said, still breathless with sheer relief and the intoxicating joy of living, "thanks to you, it looks like you'll have to put up with me for a while longer." She choked, laughing and crying as she hugged me tightly.

"Hey, you two—a little help over here?" Dylas shouted from across the deck.

We scrambled to our feet, and I retrieved my spear from the deck where it had fallen as Avani dove to pick up her swords, lying where she'd flung them in her haste to reach me. As she grabbed them, the dragon spun to knock her down with its tail. She jumped straight up in the air, did a back flip mid-air, and landed on the monsters back between its wings. As the dragon reared up, screeching and snapping its jaws while writhing to shake her from its back, she drove her swords into the tender spot between its wings and held on. As Dylas leapt to rain blows on one of the creature's flanks and I charged with my spear leveled at the other, Avani unsheathed her massive sword. With a loud shout, she raised the sword high above her head and brought the blade crashing down on the monster's neck, severing its head. With a final scream, it vanished, flinging Avani backwards as her dual blades clattered to the deck.

"You three are incredible!" Arthur called from the airship's helm. "You took on and defeated a small army!"

Dylas wiped the sweat from his brow and looked up at the prince with a savage grin. "Yeah, well, I have a feeling that this fight will seem like a piece of cake compared to what's coming. But whatever that bastard has in store for us... bring it on!"

"Then brace yourselves," Arthur called with a hearty laugh, "we're nearly there. I'm going to pick up speed!" With a jolt, the airship accelerated, speeding towards the fortress ahead. As we approached, I saw a single small platform connected by a short bridge to the main island. It looked as though it might have been used for cargo drops, but whatever its intended purpose, it had one outstanding feature: it was unguarded.

"Look, down below—there are no soldiers within sight of that platform. I'm going to drop you off there, so get ready!" Arthur shouted to us. We slung our packs over our shoulders and again secured our weapons, then crouched near the gangplank to wait for the signal. When he'd maneuvered as close to the platform as he dared, he called out to us, "Now's your chance! The Native Dragons protect you!"

Avani held her hand up in farewell, shouting, "Leave it to us, Arthur! Take care of the town while I'm away!" With that, she gave him an impudent wink, and we leaped off the deck.


We landed on the empty platform in unison, the impact causing the floating quay to shudder. Avani unsheathed her dual blades, saying, "Okay, you two. We've no idea what may lie ahead, so be ready for anything and everything." Dylas and I armed ourselves and followed as she cautiously proceeded across the connecting bridge.

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