Chapter 23

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The sun was just setting as we dressed to go have dinner, so instead of taking the shortcut through her gardens, we went out her front door and strolled along the west side of town, admiring the brilliant colors lighting up the clouds along the horizon. "It looks like it'll be a nice day tomorrow," I commented as we stood at the lookout point near the inn, watching as the sun finally vanished below the horizon. "Want to go fishing? You said you needed to, and we still haven't managed to go."

"What, didn't you enjoy today's alternative activities?" she said teasingly, looking up at me with laughing eyes.

I leaned down and murmured in a low voice, "You know I enjoyed every moment of it."

She blushed bright red, then grabbed my hand and held it as we walked towards the restaurant. When we arrived, she hesitated a moment at the door. I gave her hand a squeeze, saying, "You know, we don't have to eat here if you're not up to it. I can just go in and order something to go for us, if you would rather."

She squeezed my hand back, and smiled gratefully at me. "No, but thank you for offering, Leo. I told him I wasn't going to grovel, and I meant it. I just need a moment to brace myself in case he's there."

"Think 'ice princess'," I said with a grin. She laughed, and we went on in.

Sure enough, when we stepped inside, Dylas was there at the counter, his back to the door. I felt Avani stiffen momentarily, and I gave her hand another squeeze. Dylas turned around and blanched when he saw us standing there, his words of greeting dying on his lips. He seemed unable to speak, so I just smiled and asked for a quiet table for two. He scowled at me, then nodded and led us to a small table far from the counter.

He handed us menus and said, rather brusquely, "Drinks?"

"Tea for both of us, please," I responded politely.

He frowned and turned to look at Avani, but she was looking over the menu and ignoring him. He turned and stomped off to get us our tea, and I saw her shoulders relax. "Well," I said, "it wasn't as bad as it could have been, wouldn't you agree? We certainly seemed to catch him by surprise when we walked in."

Avani set her menu down and looked at me with a grave expression. "Leo, not only do I really not want to talk to him while we're here, I also really don't want to talk about him. Please, let's talk about something else, okay?"

"As you wish, My Lady," I said with a smile.

Just then Dylas returned with our tea. "You ready to order?" he said gruffly, staring fixedly at Avani.

She continued to ignore him, instead looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes and saying, "Will you order for me please, Leo?"

I grinned back at her, saying, "Oh-ho, presenting me with a challenge, My Lady? Well, let me see... I recall you once telling me that with a few exceptions, your food preferences were based more on the nutrients you derive from what you eat rather than the actual taste of the food. So based on what I think your nutritional needs are right now, as well as planning ahead for the remainder of the evening...."

I paused for a moment, rubbing my chin as I considered. "I'm going to say that you will likely need a meal comprised of about two-thirds carbohydrates, for energy—you'll need plenty of that; one-third protein, for strength; and a little fat, just to keep those lovely curves of yours curvy. So...."

I thought for a moment about what menu options would best fit those needs, not failing to notice Dylas's scowl deepening. "Let's start you with snapper sashimi, followed by a vegetarian curry on rice with a side salad, and a large glass of fruit juice. And for me, rainbow trout sashimi, followed by grilled lamp squid, fried veggies, and fried rice, and just tea to drink. Thanks, Dylas," I said, handing the menus back to him. He grunted and stalked off, muttering under his breath.

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