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Her skin....

Her lips...

God Jennie Kim; how will I ever get over you?

                                            Y/N POV

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                                            Y/N POV

       "God isn't it crazy y/n? Our last year of high school is finally here." 

I didn't really want it to end. These past few years have been the best. But I could tell from the gleaming look in her eyes, she was ready to get out into the world.
     "Yeah I mean, soon we're going off to college!"
By we I mean her. I was never really interested in college but I didn't want to disappoint Jennie's excitement. The thought of her leaving sinks my heart. I don't want anything to change, I like our life just the way it is, just me and her and....

     "ROSIE HIII!" Then the person I want to see least walks in. God I hate that cocky smile of hers.

"Hi Jen! Hey y/n..." she already knows I don't really like her but we both like Jennie so we've learned to just live with each other. Ever since she joined me and Jennie's little pack there has been nothing but trouble. I want to make sure Jennie has a good future. Rosé is always wanting to get Jennie caught up in some dumb shit. I try telling Jennie that it could ruin her chances of getting into a good college but I will admit; Rosé does have some pretty fun ideas.
        "Why are you so late?"
"My sister and I were just baking some cookies haha sorry. If it makes you feel any better we brought you some!"

That's another thing I disliked about Rosé, she always seemed to try to one up me. She's been hanging out with us for over a year now but she still puts on this 'new girl next door' vibes that I just hate. What kind of high schoolers bakes each other cookies? I don't get it.

      "Awww thanks Rosie! I feel so shitty, your always giving me stuff. I give you like nothing in return. Your so kind."

Pshhh, if anyone is kind here it's Jennie. When Rosé first came to the school she had no friends. Me and Jennie had already been a pack for so long, I was surprised when she invited Rosé to lunch with us. This growing surge of jealousy has been fuming ever since. I don't know what Jennie sees in Rosé. They are totally different, Rosé just seems so fake. But as long as Jennie is around I will put up with Rosés bull shit.
     "Well you can make it up to me now! Just don't be mad butttt I invited Kyle and his friends over. I hope you don't mind."

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