Ch.8 Another Life

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(TW: talks of health and mentions of death and suicide)

Two lovers promised they'd be together till the end...

And to the end together they went;

And to the end together they went;

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Jennies POV

~Flash back~

    Nothing left to say, nothing left to do, no perseverance left, but yet I have so much pain to endure. It hit me like a building of bricks. I was choking on my air. Ever time I breathed in I inhaled more of my own tears. I was drowning in my own emotions. I clutched onto my necklace like it was the last thing life had to offer. My vision blurred and my ears rang. There bright blue and red lights pierced my eyes like bullets. I wanted to shut everything off. May all of this be over. If god wanted me to suffer he surely succeeded. I wanted all the pain to end. People were pushing and pulling me. Guests laid weeping on the floor yet I struggled to organize my own thoughts. My head was going a million miles a minute. I go from hyperventilating in a parking lot to crying my last bits of energy out on a cold hospital floor. The only thing separating me and Y/N was a door and doctors physically fighting me off. I bruised my skin black and blue, scratching, clawing, screaming for them to let me in to see her. They wouldn't update date us, let me see her, tell me if she was still fucking alive! I tried to protect myself from the reality of the situation but there was no hiding. I felt so out in the open and vulnerable. My heart was shattered hearing the news from  Y/N's mom.

   Y/N's mom: "sweetie I don't know if Y/N told you yet but she is seriously ill and she has been for a couple months now. There is absolutely nothing doctors can do to help her. She's far gone Jennie. Her body is just gonna have to decide how much more life it can take. She didn't tell you to protect you. She just wanted you to be happy Jen."

Doctor: "Miss Jennie, I very sorry. We really tried out very best. Her body was just so weak. We had nothing left to give. I am afraid she has passed away. Just know she spent her last minutes trying her very best."

~Present day~
(Jennie and Austin's wedding day)

    I lay there numb in a bathtub. Nothing was left of me. I don't recognize myself anymore. I wasn't Jennie anymore. I felt like a doll with no way of expressing emotions. Time sifts by slowly nowadays. Each day becoming more and more unbearable. Pain would be a understatement. In the last few months I lost about 10lbs simply from not eating. It was a slow suicide, one I was ok with. I cuddled my legs up to my chest as I cried endlessly. 'Why did she have to go? Why did the world have to take her away from me? Am I here just to be endlessly tormented and tortured?' My Charity was ripped away from me. Such a cruel and unimaginable thing to do. I was left here all alone in this dark, scary town without my ball of sunshine. Crying in a wedding dress in my bathtub I rip my hair out of my own skull to hopefully feel something different than mental pain. My wedding is in an hour yet I wonder if my legs have the strength to lift me off the ground. Nothing left was to be taken from me since I had nothing more to give. These past few months I have felt trapped in my own body. Locked up with my own thoughts. No one was there to ease the pain. They tried but failed. Nothing could save me anymore. There was no more fix to the massive hole already created in my life. Ever since she was taken away from me, life crumbled into a downward spiral. A constant feeling like I'm falling into a black abyss. No medicine, no therapist, no endless amount of love or alcohol could ever replace what me and Y/N had. Nothing...

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