Ch.4 You and me

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(18+. Not a sex scene quite yet, but stuff that may be suggestive. This chapter is 18+ content so if you don't like that stuff than just scroll down a little bit. (I'm really bad a mature scenes btw)

Through the summer and the fall'

We had each other that was all....

Just she and I together' like it was meant to be

When she loved me;

When she loved me;

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Jennie's POV

        The boiling water trickling down my back' I submerged my face under the stream as my tear stained cheeks were washed away along with all of the sorrow from last night. I got lost in my own thoughts as the steam coming from the shower filled my lungs. I was normally never like this. I always took cold showers. This one was boiling to the brim. I felt so numb' the shower was a way to hopefully feel something. As the water burned my skin from the inside out there was no greater pain than seeing my precious Y/N with that girl last night. 'Does she like her'? I couldn't think straight anymore. I hadn't felt this level of jealousy in a long long time. I was jealous to the point of insanity. Y/N isn't even my girlfriend. Yet I love her so much. Seeing her with anyone but me makes me want to scream and cry.
      I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel and fell onto the bed. I laid there, soaked hair draped over the sheets. All my worries were shot aside when Y/N sent a text.

Y/N: "Rise and shine birthday girl🥰 I was thinking about spending some time with you today. What do you say?"
Jennie: "Of course! Let me just get ready. Go ahead and send me the location"
Y/N: "I'll just pick you up. Text me when you're ready!"

    I fell back and let my body sink into the sheets. I was starting to get sweaty while laying so I stripped the towel off of me and let it fall off the sides of the bed. The light from the blinds creeped in and warmed my nude body. My thoughts soon got the better of me and I simultaneously let my fingertips caress the sides of my waist, trailing down to my thighs. I moved my fingers up to my stomach where knots were forming as I became tense with desire and lust. I was in love and needy. Ever since I acknowledged my love for Y/N I have stayed committed to her and her only. This has my body aching with greed for pleasure. I craved my precious Y/Ns affection. Imagining her lips sucking on my neck made me unexpectedly moan in satisfaction. My skin crawled with goosebumps as and imbedded circles into my skin. The thought of Y/N claiming as her own made me wet and horny. I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly aligned my fingers in between my legs as I teased my entrance to my throbbing pussy. With one big relief I sank three fingers into my core. My back sprung up making a perfect C as I screamed out Y/N's name in pleasure. I moved my fingers in and out and I only dreamt of what Y/N's fingers would feel like. I pushed my finger tips deep inside of me, screaming out all my frustration and jealousy towards Mina. I was such a slut for Y/N. I had imagined many times before how it would feel like if Y/N fucked me like I deserved to be fucked. I had never actually pleasured myself to the thought of it but today was an exception. The mix of rage and hate towards Mina only made me more desirable. I continued to scream out all my perverted comments as my fingers paced in and out of my throbbing, drenched pussy. I rode my fingers as my mind play out scenarios. Listening to all the sluty sex scenes my mouth was moaning out made me realize I had and degrading mommy kink. I smiled as I imagined my darling Y/N chained up under my submission. Soon the bed sheets were not only soaked with water but also mixed with my cum. I love Y/N so much I was will to do anything to show her that. After my body stopped shivering with pleasure I started to feel a little embarrassed about what I just did. Me and Y/N's relationship has always been innocent and friendly, if only she knew I had just moaned out her name and came to the thought of her fucking me.

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