Ch.6 Till forever falls apart

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TW: talks about health and death. Sings of depression.

Farewell my love;

Until we meet again someday...


Three days before the dinner party

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Three days before the dinner party


Y/N's mom: "sweetie why aren't you eating honey? Is everything ok?"
Y/N: "No I'm fine, I'm just not hungry."

I mean I don't think I'm hungry. My body doesn't really know what it wants anymore. I haven't been in touch with my self for a while now. When your health deteriorates it's slow and you don't know it at first. Until you realize you've completely lost yourself. At this point I haven't even realized my own hair falling out in the shower and my skin becoming more pale. I don't really care anymore. I don't have the energy to care anymore. I don't feel like doing anything. Nothing catches my attention. It's a strange sort of boredom. A rootless disconnection. It is nothing but and absence of the energy I used to have. People always think the most painful thing in life is losing the one you love the most. The truth is the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much than you forget you still matter.
My eyes are heavy and my brain is trying to burst out of me. 'Why have I never noticed this'? Have I felt this pain all along? When did I become this out of touch? My mind tries to race for answers as fast as it can without my head feeling like it weighs 100 pounds. Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse once you finally feel it. I felt cold and stiff. I lacked energy. I sat on my floor cradling myself till tears left my eyes. I felt trapped in my own clothes. The felt like they were choking me. I ripped them off till I was left nude. My stomach turned and aced and I dived to the floor in pain. My back felt sore a divided into two. It took all of me and more to get off my floor and head to the bathroom. I tried to get there quickly as I could but my own reflection stopped me in my tracks. Ribs sticking out, skin white as snow, the only coloration I had were the recently formed purple bruises laying on my supple skin. I refuse to believe that's me in the mirror. I refuse to come to terms with whatever I'm seeing but what I am seeing is not me at all. A sickly girl stood there with obvious stress marks painted all over her yet I somehow never noticed? How could I be so negligent to my own body? Why was this happening? I was numb to the buckets of tears streaming down my red plush cheeks. I was young yet my body was quite clearly lacking health. I needed to fix this. I needed answers. I needed someone to tell me it was all gonna be ok. This is just temporary right? It has to be. I'm young this can't happen. I'll just get medicine and everything will be ok again.

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