Ch.7 Long lost lovers

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I will never regret loving you...

Even if it's impossible for us to be together;

Even if it's impossible for us to be together;

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Day of the dinner party

      Days are useless at this point. I wake up every day just wanting it to be over with already. My life was ticking down. I was waiting to die even though it felt like I already have a long time ago. Food tastes different, like nothing. Waffles...something I used to love. The syrup, the strawberries and the powdered sugar. Stuff like that used to make me happy. I used to be so excited to make waffles. Especially when Jennie would come over to help me. But now; all the taste was gone. I didn't look forward to it. Instead I dreaded getting out of bed to make them as my whole body aced with pain. It was just a means of survival at this point. Not like there is a point to it. I'm gonna die anyway. Might as well die as pain free as possible.

Y/N's Mom: "oh- here sweetie let me help you with that."

Y/N: "Goddammit mom! I got it! P-please just let me do it." I sob. I tried endlessly to zip up the back of my dress by myself but not only did it hurt to get up it hurt just to put on the dress. What used to take me seconds was now a thirty minute ordeal. My sickness has stripped me of my ability to do anything and everything. I tried gaining back control of my life by doing things myself but I was just hurting more in the process. I felt ashamed that I need help to put on a dress but that was the reality of my situation. My mom frowns at me while wiping my tears away. She grasps my waist and turns me around to zip up the dress herself. I turn back around to face her to see her weakly smiling at me. I walked to the mirror and glance at myself through my teary eyes. The dress hanged
loosely on me as my muscle was deteriorating and I had lost a third of my body weight. It was heartbreaking, too painful to come to terms with. I wanted nothing more than to smash all mirrors in sight. My body looked disheveled as well as my face but unlike my body there is nothing a little makeup can't fix. I get to work with my makeup as I try to fight back tears while putting on mascara with my wrists shaking nonstop. I couldn't just give up. I needed to be there for Jennie. She has always been there for me, I couldn't just leave her hanging. After hours of redoing my makeup through tears and swelled cheeks it was finally time to face Jennie. I was so nervous for her to see me. I had purposely been putting off seeing her due to my state but I couldn't just ignore her forever. She is my only motivation to get up in the morning. The only reason why I'm still here fighting. It's all for her. This was the night...the night that determines the last couple months of my short lived life. I was gonna tell her how I feel. I didn't care how I looked, I just needed her to know her worth to me.
I don't have much but she is certainly the most valuable thing in my possession. And I was gonna cherish her with all the life I had left in me. It wasn't much, but I was gonna give her the rest of what's left of my emotions. My whole life has been dedicated to her and it was gonna end like that. Jennie is the only reason why life is worth living.

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