Good Morning M'lady

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The sun was rising slowly, and the window facing the small town was letting in a golden light. The rays found their way to a sleeping body on the large queen size bed. Regina woke up to find the spot next hers was empty. She rolled over and buried her face back into her pillows. Why wasn't he there, why did he leave? She thought to herself. Suddenly there was a noise at her bedroom door.
"Who's there?" She said and sat up, covering herself with her blanket.
"It's me. I'm sorry I woke you M'lady." a charming voice said before a man entered the room.
"Oh, no you didn't wake me up." She said blushing.
"I'm glad." He smiled at her and then looked down. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. But I wanted to give you this." He pulled a rose out from behind his back. "And this." he smiled again and pulled out a small to-go bag from the local dinner. "I would have cooked for you but you have a really nice kitchen. I'd like to keep it that way." He laughed and handed her the rose. A smile crept across her lips as she lifted the petals to her nose.
"It's beautiful Robin, thank you." she smiled again behind it. Robin sat down next to her on the bed. He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss before she pulled away. As much as she would love to stay in bed with him all day, she had responsibilities. She had a son. Henry.
Henry was the first chance she had at a happy ending since coming to Storybrooke, Even though he was adopted, Regina loved him like he was her son. As any adoptive parent would love their child. "I have to get going. Henry and I have plans." She whispered and found her way out of the bed. Robin laid back and watched her move with so much grace dressing and getting ready for the day. Regina was standing in front of the mirror that faced her bed, and she could see Robin laying there watching her. "What is it?"
"Nothing. I just love watching you, that's all. And I hope I can get used to this." he smiled at her through the mirror. He sat up and slid off the bed and made his way to stand behind her. He helped her with her necklace as she reached for an earing.
"Robin," she looked at him then down at the earring she was fiddling with, trying to decide if she wanted to start this conversation. "I know that since we found each other again we have found a new hope for our happy ending together. but-" Robin stopped her.
"Please don't." He pleaded looking at her in the mirror. "I know I need to talk to her but I don't want to ruin this." Regina turned around and looked into his eyes, blinking away tears from hers. She sighed in agreement.
"Okay." she said quietly.
"I'll be out camping with Roland all day if you need me." Robin's eyes brightened up thinking of his son, and Regina loved seeing that. And she adored Roland, and he loved playing with her.
"Why don't you and Roland come to dinner with me and Henry tonight?" She asked.
"That sounds lovely, M'lady." He smiled at her again and pulled her into a kiss that made it hard to let him go.

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