Finish What I Started

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Regina rang her doorbell and waited for her to answer.

"Regina?" Snow asked after opening the door.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you." Regina laughed at her own joke and Snow smiled. She stepped aside letting Regina in and closed the door behind her.

"What are you doing here so late Regina?" Snow asked her. Regina sat down at the bar that was in Snow's kitchen and thought about how she should go about this.

"I just wanted to see someone who was an advocate of hope instead of heart break."

"What happened? Did Marian say something?"

"No, she's kind of out of the way for now." Regina looked down.

"That's not your fault Regina. You know that." Regina looked back up at her.

"Yes it is. Whoever is doing this is after me. And now Robin has fallen down just like Marian."

"What has happened to Robin?" Snow's voice was laced with concern.

"He's under a spell, or something. I don't know but he just left me in my vault saying that he never had any feelings for me at all." Regina let the tears fall. Why would she try to stop them now?

"Regina, he didn't mean any of that. He loves you and you love him. That's all that matters. And I know you will find a way to save him." Snow hugged Regina.

"I know, but the words he said still hurt."


Regina conjured a ball of fire in the palm of her hand. She launched it towards the door of the farm house. The flames turned the door to dust. Regina stepped over the pile of ashes.

"I know you're here, there's no use in hiding. I will find you." Regina gave up the search in the kitchen knowing she would make herself known eventually.

"I knew you'd come to find me sooner or later sister, but did you really have to do that to my door?" Zelena said and walked through the door to the kitchen. Regina turned to meet an icy stare.

"Well you destroyed something of mine, I figured I'd return the favor." Regina glared at Zelena. It has been a long time since she's been able to let her dark side out. And now one would blame her for riding Storybrooke of her half-sister. "How are you even here Zelena? I watched you kill yourself months ago."

"Kill myself." Zelena scoffed. "Why on earth would I want to do that? Rumple is the reason I died." she said and walked over to a cupboard.

"What? He couldn't have. He was with Belle." Regina eyed her sister carefully.

"He came into that cage you locked me in and used his dagger on me. Even after I begged him not to." Zelena pulled down a drink and a couple of glasses. "I suppose I do did deserve it though, after all I did kill his son." Zelena offered a drink to Regina.

"I don't day drink." Regina pushed the drink away.

"Suit yourself." Zelena took a drink. "But after that speech you gave me about you getting a second chance, I actually expected you to help me. But you were off with your new love."

"I had no idea he would have done that. If I had known, Zelena I would have helped. But I don't see what good it would have done me. You obviously still cling to your old ways. And you still haven't answered my question. How are you here?"

"You know, I'm not quite sure love." Zelena gave a fake confused look to Regina. Regina just rolled her eyes. "And since I have been given a second chance." she looked at Regina and lifted her class and took a swig of her drink. "I wanted to finish what I started."

"You were the one who gave me that potion." Regina said finally getting the last bits and pieces of her memory back.

"No dear, I had Marian give it to you. She was a wonderful little puppet. Useful too. But Robin's heart was just so taken by you that even using his wife, I couldn't get him to let you go."

"This whole time, you've had Marian's heart?" Regina asked, so Marian was upset with her for being with Robin but not as much as she was showing.

"Yes, but then I made her sleep, it was going to be permanently but, that was what it took to get Robin here, so I let her live. And she does have her heart but there's a spell activated on it now, the next time you kiss Robin, her heart will stop, and Marian will die." Zelena laughed. She thought that she finally had gotten the upper hand on her sister.

"You're still trying to destroy my life, by threatening hers." Regina smiled, trying to bluff her way out of this. "What makes you think that I care enough about her life to sacrifice my happy ending?" Regina's expression went from amused to serious.

"Because the one thing you want most in this world is a happy ending and you know that if you let Marian die, Robin will never forgive you." Zelena rolled her eyes. "Really Regina. Robin Hood, the thief. You're a queen."

"And I don't have to stand here and listen to the ramblings from the child my mother didn't want." Regina's eyes darkened, Zelena's did the same. Zelena threw her hand up attempting to use magic to hurt Regina, but Regina was ready. She waved her hand and sent Zelena flying into some shelves lined with glass.

"You really shouldn't have done that." Zelena growled. She poofed herself behind Regina. "Surprise!" she said. Regina turned to her and Zelena reached into her and tried pulling her heart out. But her hand came out empty. "What?" Zelena said angrily.

"Did you really think I'd come here with my heart. Have you learned nothing Zelena?" Zelena backed up into a cabinet. Her expression changed when she felt the door. She did something to make the door disappear.

"You may not have your heart. But I have his." She said and held up Robin's heart. "And I still have insurance on Marian if Robin fails me." The way Zelena said his name infuriated Regina.

"You have no right to use him like this. I'm the one you want. And I'm here. So if you're going to do something, do it." Regina spread her arms out. Inviting whatever Zelena had in her arsenal to attack her. "But if you succeed at whatever you plan to do. You have to promise that you'll leave Robin and Marian, and everyone else alone. And take whatever magic you've used on Marian away." Regina blinked feeling tears well up in her eyes. She heard a noise at the front door, but couldn't tell who was there. Zelena seemed to be completely oblivious to it.

"Why would I just want to kill you sister? That would just be me taking you away from everyone." Zelena stepped away from the cabinet, knowing she would be safe with Robin's heart in her hand. "No, no. I want to take everything from you." Zelena pointed at Regina with the hand that was holding Robins heart. Regna went to form a fireball but stopped, thinking that Robin's heart would be destroyed. "Should we start with this?" Zelena examined the heart in her hand.

"You already have taken everything from me. I've lost Robin. There's nothing left for me."

"Oh, I could make dear old Robin say that he didn't love you until he's blue in the face. But that doesn't change the fact that you're the one his heart is drawn to. When he went to you the last time his heart actually started cracking." from where Zelena was standing Regina could see into the room behind her. Robin was standing in the shadows with his crossbow loaded. He put a finger to his lips. Letting Regina know not to show he was there.

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