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Robin returned to his camp and found Roland playing with his arrows that Robin had made for him.

"Papa!" Roland said excitedly and ran to his father. Robin knelt down just in time to catch him, toss him up in the air and catch him again. He brought him back down and held him in his arms and smiled while he listened to Roland go on about his day. "Papa, have you seen Regina lately, I miss her." Robin smiled at him.

"Yes, and she misses you too. I'll take you to see her soon."

"Okay. What about mama. I haven't seen her today."

"No, buddy I haven't."

"Where have you been then papa?" Roland's eyes were so full of curiosity that Robin couldn't help but to laugh.

"I was visiting Regina." he smiled at Roland again.

"Robin!" Robin turned to see Little John making his way to them.

"What is it john?" Robin answered when he got close enough.

"Sir it's Marian. She's sleeping."

"I'm sorry I don't see the problem." Robin replied a little confused.

"Sir we can't get her to wake up." Robin's face drained of color. He set Roland down.

"Go play son." he patted him on the back before he ran back to his arrows. Robin turned his attention to john. "What are you talking about john?"

"She's asleep and no one can wake her up."

"Why can't we catch a bloody break from all of this!" Robin grumbled as he started walking towards Marian's tent. He pulled back the doorway and stepped inside. He found her wrapped in a sleeping bag. He knelt down next to her. "Marian. Marian." He said trying to wake her up. He shook her gently but nothing worked. "What am I going to do?" he asked himself.


Regina slammed her bedroom door. Emma had just called and said that henry couldn't come over to her house that night. She was saying something about wanting to keep him safe. But Regina didn't want to hear it. She and henry had planned this night two weeks ago. She was quickly becoming irritated with Emma always dragging henry away. She heard the doorbell ring but was too upset to even care to answer it. But she could faintly hear Robin say he needed to talk to her. She poofed herself down stairs and pulled the door open.

"What's wrong Robin?" she reached out and put her hand on his arm. Robin stepped inside and Regina closed the door behind him. He turned to face her, and she could see that something terrible must have happened. "Is it Roland?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"What, No he's fine. But it's Marian. I need your help."

"Wait what's wrong with her?" Robin ran his hand through his hair.

"It's like when I found you, and woke you up. But I can't wake her up the same way I did with you." he took a deep breath. "Will you please help her?" His eyes were dull and he looked tired.

"Of course Robin." she said and grabbed her jacket


Robin opened Marian's tent and let Regina in. he stepped in behind her. Regina knelt down next to her and looked her over. Something wasn't right. Regina placed her hand on marinas chest. She couldn't find a heartbeat. But she was breathing.

"Robin, Marian doesn't have a heartbeat." she looked back at him.

"What?" He said and knelt down next to Regina, his hand replaced hers. "Does this mean that she's-"

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