Sleeping Potion

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"I can't keep living like this." Regina said to herself. It had been two weeks since the last time she saw Robin, and her heart was a wreck and she didn't want to be seen by anyone, but she thought it might help a little to go to Grannies dinner and wait for Henry to get there to have lunch with her. When she looked up she saw Robin walking with Marian and Roland. Her heart broke every time she saw them together.


Robin could see through the window of the dinner and saw Regina sitting at the bar in the dinner.

"Marian, why don't you go and take Roland to get some ice cream?" he suggested. "I'll go and get lunch from the dinner." Marian eyed him for a second before feeling a tugging on her dress.

"Please momma? Regina let me" Roland's sweet voice made her melt, but hearing Regina's name made her angry all at the same time. But she wanted to make him happy.

"Of course son." She said and smiled at him. She looked back up and found Robin staring into the dinner. She could see what he was looking at, and just rolled her eyes. "Come on Roland." she said sweetly and nudged him to start moving. Robin crossed the street and found himself standing in front of the dinner. He yanked open the door, but all he saw was a purple puff of smoke where Regina was sitting.

"Damn it." He murmured to himself. He stepped back and thought about where she could have went. He thought of the one place where she always went to get away from everything. Her Vault.

Regina's vault was the one thing that she brought with her from the enchanted forest. It had all of her magical items that she held dear to her stored there. It also had many rooms and one of which she turned into a bedroom when she had to hide after the first curse on Storybrooke broke and she had to find somewhere to get away from everyone in the town who wanted revenge on her for taking them to this new land.


Robin knocked on the door to the mausoleum, hoping she would answer, but she didn't. He decided to go inside. Regina's vault was a mausoleum dedicated to her father on top, but under his sarcophagus there was a stairway that led down into a cellar with many rooms. Robin knew this was where Regina stored her most valuable possessions and her most dangerous ones. Robin found his way to the room where there was a bed. He found Regina laying on the ground. "Regina!" he shouted and fell to his knees by her side. He pulled her into his arms and checked to see if she was breathing. "Regina, please wake up. Please, please wake up." He shook her, doing everything he could think of to try and wake her up. But nothing was working. Robin picked her up and carried her to the door, but he couldn't pass through it. There was a spell on the door that wouldn't let him leave with her.

"Oh, Regina what did you do." He looked down at her, not knowing what else to do he laid her on the bed and knelt down next to her. He brushed her hair out of her face and just looked at her. "I don't know how I could live without you." He blinked away some tears "I, I love you Regina." He rested his head on her shoulder. He stood up again, thinking of someone that might be able to help. He tried leaving again, and this time he could.


Robin burst through the doors to the emergency room.

"I need to see Dr. Whale now!" He demanded to the nurse.

"Hold on one second sir, what is your emergency?" The nurse asked him in a calming voice.

"It's alright nurse, I'll take care of him." Dr. Whale came out of his office and into the waiting room. Hearing Robin's tone, he figured it was really important. "How can I help you Robin?"

"It's Regina. I, I can't get her to wake up." Robin was flushed and was at his wits end.

"Regina Hu, Good riddance if you asked me." Dr. Whale said flipping through papers on his clipboard. He stepped closer to the desk and started speaking to the nurse. Robin lost his cool and reached for the doctor. Robin didn't notice that he had a harsh grip on Dr. Whale's arm, but wasn't thinking too clearly either.

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