Good Morning M'Lady

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"Robin." Regina called out his name, she woke up and realized she was talking in her sleep. She rolled over and looked at the clock. "Six. Great." she mumbled. She yawned and got out of bed. She walked over to her window and looked out over the town. The sun was just starting to rise, painting the sky with brilliant orange, pink and blue shades. She looked down and saw Robin walking to her door. She poofed herself downstairs and opened the door just before he could knock.

"Good morning M'lady. You look beautiful." Regina blushed and stepped aside.

"What are you doing here so early?" she asked as he stepped in.

"My mind was in the forest. But my heart led me here." She closed the door and turned to find him standing behind her. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her to him. He kissed her softly. She smiled and pulled away.

"What do you see in me?" she asked.

"Hopefully the same thing you see in me. A second chance." He smiled. "And you're quite a good kisser." she laughed. He kissed her again, this time with more heat. She moved her hand to his face. She smiled against his kiss.

"Whoa, easy," she laughed. "I just woke up."

"Then perhaps we should go back to bed." he pressed his forehead to hers. She smiled but took a step back. "Robin, Marian and I spoke last night." She looked up at him.

"What did she want to talk about?" Robin held his breath.

"She said that she can tell that you and I are in love. And if your heart really is leading you to me. Then she says she will not stand in our way." Robin's smile grew.


"Yes, Robin." Regina returned his smile and his happiness. Robin laughed and lifted Regina into the air and carried her to the couch where he fell with her on top of him. He kissed her again, but this time like it was for the first time.

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