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“Mom!” Henry opened the door smiling.
“Hello Henry. You seem to be in a good mood.” She smiled back at him.
“Hey kid.” Emma stepped behind Henry holding the door open and she put her other hand on his shoulder.
Henry was so lucky to have two mothers in his life. Regina had adopted him when he was born, after Emma had given him up knowing she wasn’t ready to be a mother. Henry was given a magical story book from his teacher Mary Margaret, who he believed to be Snow White, when he was eleven that told him many stories about all of the fairy tale creatures we know as just that, fairy tales. But that is farther from the truth than anyone knows. The main story in the book was that of Snow white and The Evil Queen, and how Snow White had cost Regina everything and killed Regina’s fiancé without knowing it. To get her Revenge on Snow White, The Evil Queen, Regina, had cast a dark curse that brought them all to a world without magic. Our world. So Snow White and prince charming would lose each other, and their happy endings. Giving Regina her Happiness by watching them suffer. Henry figured out that Emma, his biological mother, was the savior. The daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. She was the product of true love, and was sent to this world before the curse struck so she would grow up, instead of being trapped in a town where time was frozen, to save everyone from the enchanted forest, who now lived in Storybrooke.
Emma was not happy to be told that she was supposed to be some sort of hero, who was abandoned at birth to save some town 28 years later. But Henry got her to believe in herself and the curse. By the time all was said and done, Regina had lost everything because of the curse being broken. But the one thing that stayed true was Henry’s love for her. His love was enough to make Regina change her ways, and become a hero instead of a villain. Now Regina had to share Henry with his biological mother. She hated it, but was glad that Henry was still in her life.
Emma looked at Regina. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” 
“Sure.” Regina answered and clenched her jaw. She only deals with her for Henry’s sake. She still resents Emma for coming back into his life and taking him away from her. Then when Regina was finding happiness in a relationship for the first time since her first love Daniel was killed, Emma Brought back Marian, Robin Hood’s first wife, from the past. Saving her from being killed by the Evil Queen. Causing him to keep his vow to her and try to let Regina go. Regina’s rage was flared again towards this savior.
They stepped outside the small apartment that Emma and Henry were staying in with Snow White, known as Mary Margaret in our world and Prince Charming, known as David Noland. Emma wasn’t sure how to tell Regina what she needed to tell her, so she just said it and hoped for the best.
“Listen, while you’re out with Henry today, be careful. We have been hearing rumors that there is a strange woman being seen around town.”
“Do you think I care about rumors? If it comes to Henry’s safety I think I know how to handle it.” Regina glared at Emma.
“Whoa, easy okay. I’m just warning you. He’s my son too. I just want to make sure he’s safe.”
“And you don’t think I’m capable of doing that?” Regina questioned.
“No, I didn’t say that.” Emma tried to defend herself
“Mom?” Henry opened the door.
“Hey kid, are you ready to go?” Emma spun around and brushed the argument away.
“Yeah. Is everything alright?” Henry asked looking at Regina.
“Yes dear.” Regina answered and forced a smile and nodded at Emma.
Henry and Regina went on their normal weekend walk in the small town stopping at the pond in the park. The trees that were standing tall over them had already started losing their green color and were transforming into brilliant shades of orange, red, and even purple.
“Has Emma decided if you two will be heading back to New York?” Regina sked preparing for the worst.
“Mom, you don’t need to worry. We can’t leave. Even if we wanted to.” Henry looked down.
“What is it dear?” Regina stopped him.
“I’ve overheard my mom talking to Mary Margaret and David. After the last curse that was put on this town, there was still a spell put on the town line. Anyone who leaves can never come back.”
“Because they enter a world without magic.” Regina looked down, trying to hide some of her relief. Henry wasn’t going anywhere.
“That, and as long as that new guy my mom’s seeing sticks around I won’t be going anywhere.”
“Your mom’s dating captain hook, you sure you’re alright with that?” Regina nudged Henry playfully as they begin walking again.
“Yes. As Long as she’s happy. And Hook’s fun to be around.” Henry looked up at Regina. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Regina said trying to avoid the conversation.
“Have you found your happy ending with Robin?”
“It’s still very complicated Henry. Marian has come back into his life again. As much as I know he wants to love me, He’s an honorable man. He made a commitment to her. And he will keep it. He made that promise before he even knew me. And then she disappeared, and I don’t blame him.” She looked down, trying to fight away tears.
“But mom, he loves you. I don’t understand why you two just can’t be together.” Henry said.
“I know. But you may someday, for now let’s focus on you.” She smiled at him and put her arm around him as they followed the path through the park, as he went on about school, and sports, and his friends, she forgot about her troubles for a while.
“Hey mom.” Henry called from the living room.
“Yes dear?” Regina answered coming out to greet him from the kitchen, she was drying her hands with a towel and threw it over her shoulder when she was done.
“My mom just called. She says she needs me home.”
“But I was going to have Robin and Roland over for dinner. Roland’s really excited about seeing you.” Regina smiled.
“Oh, maybe next time. Tell them that I would have loved to stay for dinner but I had to go and I’ll see them later. Love you, mom.” Henry said hugging his mother and making his way out the door. She walked back to the kitchen. It wasn’t fair, she thought. She threw the towel she was holding on the counter. She knew she had to share Henry, But wished it was like before when it was just him and her, and Robin and Roland. That feeling was the closest that she’s ever been to being happy.
She looked at the timer just as it went off. She pulled the lasagna out of the oven and set it on the counter to cool. Henry wasn’t going to be eating but Robin and Roland were. She began setting the table when the doorbell rang, and she smiled.
“Hello Rob-” Regina stopped and her heart raced seeing who was at her door.
“Hello your majesty.” She almost hissed.
“I prefer Regina.” Regina looked behind Marian trying to see if Robin was there with her.
“He’s not here.” Marian said staring into Regina's eyes. Marian’s eyes were filled with so much hatred, that it made Regina feel horrible. “He won’t be coming either.” Regina straightened her stance. Why wouldn't he be? She wondered.
“What do you mean?” Regina Asked.
“How stupid do you really think I am Regina?” Marian said looking at Regina like she had done something terrible. In Marian’s defense the Regina she knows and the one standing before her were two very different people. Regina didn’t blame Marian for being angry with her.
“What are you talking about, Marian?” Regina searched her face to see if there was anything that could show that Marian could be reasoned with. But all Regina could find was a hate filled glare.
“Robin and you. Whatever the two of you have going on. It needs to stop. He is my husband.”
“Marian, I am sorry. And I know that this must be hard. But you have to know I-”
“How could he love you Hu? He doesn’t even know who you are!” Marian fired at Regina releasing so much pent up anger and Regina let her get it all out.
“Marian, please stop. I have changed, I’m not the Evil Queen anymore.” Regina pleaded with her.
“I don’t want to hear it. You are a monster and you that’s what you’ll always be.” Marian started walking away. She stopped and turned around and looked back at Regina. “I don’t want to have this conversation again.” Regina nodded, not knowing what else to do. She slowly closed the door and leaned against it. She closed her eyes and shook her head. Marian was right, Robin was her husband. What she and Robin had wasn’t, couldn't be real. Or right.
She left everything and went up to her room. What could she do? Kill Marian to get her happy ending? That would make her a monster. And Henry and Robin would never forgive her, or look at her the same. Regina stood next to her window in her bedroom and looked out at the clock tower. “I don’t think I’ll ever get a happy ending.” Regina said to herself and shook her head. Saying it out loud hurt as much as thinking it.
She went back downstairs and began cleaning up the kitchen. Ten minutes later the doorbell rang again.
“Marian, if that is you, I’ve already heard all that you have to s-” Regina choked on her words. “What are you doing here?” Regina caught her breath. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“I know but when I heard that Marian had come to see you tonight I wanted to make sure that you were alright. Whatever she said doesn’t mean anything I swear.” Robin looked at Regina, she could tell he was deeply sorry for Marian’s actions.
“But everything she said was true. After all that I have done, I definitely don’t deserve to be happy.” Regina shied away from the door but kept it open.
“Don’t say that Regina. You deserve to be happy after everything that you have been through. You do.” Robin stepped closer to her and took her hands in his and squeezed them. “You have changed, I believe in you Regina.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her but she pulled away.
“We can’t,” she whispered and looked into his eyes. “You're married.” she felt a stinging in her eyes. “Go back to your wife.” Regina turned around pulling her hands free from his and quickly closed the door. Leaving Robin on the porch. She sat against the door, this time not holding anything back.

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