I Thought We Should Talk

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Regina had just said goodbye to Robin and watched him leave. She went to the diner for a drink.

"Please, I'd rather be alone." Regina didn't know who was behind her, nor did she care.

"I thought we should talk." Regina turned to see that Marian was standing behind her. "I wanted to say thank you, for saving me."

"Forget about it." Regina said and forced a smile before turning back to her drink.

"I can't. Because Robin can't." Regina looked back at her. "I see the way the two of you look at one another. And I understand. For me it's only been a short time that I've been away. But for him, Years have passed. His heart has moved on." Marian paused. "He's in love with you Regina. And I think you're in love with him." Regina took a deep breath. Where was she going with this? She thought.

"Well, that doesn't really matter. He made a vow to you." She looked down. "And he's going to keep it."

"I don't want him to be with me out of obligation. I want to be chosen. If his heart leads him to me fine. But if it does what I expect, and leads to you. I will step out of the way." Marian nodded to her and left. Regina just sat and thought the whole conversation over. Did Marian just give her, her blessings?

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