Back from the Grave

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Robin woke up with Regina sleeping on his chest. They had worked all day trying to find out who was trying to get to Regina until they found their way back to Regina's house. Robin feared he wouldn't be given too much more time before something bad happened to Marian, or himself. He gently rolled Regina over and got out of bed. He found his jeans and slipped them on and picked up his shirt from the end of the bed where Regina had dropped it. He made his way to the bathroom and washed his face. He stepped back into the bedroom and started getting his things together. He found his jacket and put it on. He picked up his bag and reached for the door. He paused and looked back at Regna, who was still asleep.

He walked over to her and gently brushed some hair that had fallen into her face away. He knelt down and looked at her. "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever known." he smiled. "And I love you very much. That is why I know I have to do this. I don't know what might happen I just can't lose you again." He kissed her forehead and left quietly, hoping he didn't wake her.

He made his way downstairs. And just as he reached for the door he heard a voice behind him.

"Where are you going?" her sweet seductive voice made Robin smile. How did he ever think he would get away with this. But he was still going to try. He turned to find her leaning against the railing of the stairs wearing an old shirt of his. Her arms were folded, and she was looking at him with an arched eyebrow.

"I know it's late, but I wanted to go check on Marian and Roland. I wanted to make sure that they were safe." she looked at robin and relaxed. She unfolded her arms and walked to him. She stood in front of him and looked into his eyes.

"Robin, they are safe. As much as I hate to admit it. I trust Emma. She will keep them safe, she promised she would take care of Marian and Roland. I know she wouldn't let anything happen to them." She smiled at him and put her hand on his face.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure." Regina nodded.

"Alright then." she moved her hand. "I'll see you soon." she kissed his cheek. And made her way back up stairs. "Robin," she said over her shoulder.

"Yes?" he answered.

"Be careful." she gave him a long look then turned to finish walking up the stairs.

"I will." he said and left.


Robin found his way through the woods and found the old farm house. He carefully found a way to get in. he looked at the bookshelves that had bottles and glasses lined on the shelves. He reached for a small bottle of brown liquid. He looked at it and remembered when he was with Regina not too long ago looking for someone here.


"So none of these contain magical properties?" Robin said looking at the shelves.

"Well, a good witch can cover her tracks. But a better one can uncover them. We'll find her. Just be patient." Regina got closer to the bookshelf. Robin stepped back and leaned against the table that was sitting behind him. He tilted his head playfully and looked at her with curiosity.

"You know, I've heard many stories about the great and terrible evil queen. But from this angle the evil moniker seems to be a bit of an overstatement. Bold and audacious perhaps. But, not evil." Regina smiled at his words. She turned around to meet his gaze.

"The name suited me well. Fear is quite an effective tool." Robin stood up from the table. He stepped closer to her. He leaned close to her. Their faces inches apart. He leaned past her and picked up a bottle from behind her.

"What about this, Is this magical" he asked smiling at her in a severely charming way. She looked down at the bottle and laughed while shaking her head.

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