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The morning silhouette surfaced over her skin which made it impossible not to want to touch her in some way. It wasn't like we already hadn't touched before. I just wanted her in that moment. I couldn't get enough of whatever pheromone she had been giving off. Her toned skin slightly exposed by her curly tendrils just laying so casually along her narrow shoulders and bare back. I watch her as she turns over sighing from the relief of switching positions. Once she's comfortable in her new position I lean down to kiss her smooth neck.

I make my way to the shower which felt like a warm wake-up call. The water reminded me of her fingers exploring my body from last night. I close my eyes to reminisce of the events that had taken place. We had just come from a very nice dinner from a local restaurant. It was a nice outing for the both of us as we had had a busy week. Her eyes longed for that secure touch. My fingers touching the surface of her cheek when I place a kiss along her lips which seemed to yearn for mine. It's as if everything came into synchronization. Her heart beat matching mine like a cadence.

"You showering without me," her sleepy pouty voice catches me off guard. I turn around graced with a naked Jailyn.

Jailyn was her name.

Which means birg of light.... and indeed she was.

Always basking in the light which shown her beauty in a way words couldn't capture. The dark curly tendrils covering her soft face and petite face from the light of the bathroom. "Why don't you join me then," I invite her.

"And miss the beauty of you showering?"

I smirk slightly which makes me chuckle in response. "You have no idea what beauty is if you haven't my eyesight to see what waking up to you is like in the morning." I respond.

Her smile leaves nothing as she's impressed by the words that have made their way out of my mouth. "Come," I urge holding out my hand for her to grasp.

The shower.

A most intimate place. The most intimate place.

Her hands waste no time massaging that of my warm skin. The most intimate place for me was in her arms. A tingling sensation moving from my spine to my arms causing goosebumps when she kisses my neck. It's sensational. I lean down to her rubbing my nose against hers when I kiss her lips gently. The shower becoming obsolete in our minds. We don't stop kissing until her back is planted against the shower wall. It's cooling tile sending shivers down her back. My hands starting to grab at her as if even being skin to skin wasn't enough for me.

For a moment I had been lost and stuck in a reverie of how we first met so long ago. The first moment where we kissed. The first moment where she knew about all of me. I fell in love with her from the first time I had been graced with her graze looking at me. The affection never leaving her eyes but scared that it won't be reciprocated the same. The thought makes me clutch onto her body in an embrace where I am able to almost pick her up off the floor. My hands grab the base of her thigh and hoist her up where she's pinned between me and the shower wall.

A gasp leaves her lips from the unexpected maneuver. Then her legs wrap around my waist. The way her fingers dance along my tattoo's makes it seem like she had been telling her own story. Every slight tingle affecting the most sensitive parts of my body. Our lips never really leaving one another. Our breasts limiting the space between us. Her curly tendrils falling over my face as they are drenched with water. I cannot help but want to show her body the same weakness my body endures time over time.

I leave the shower with her still in my arms when I carry her back to the bed. Our soaking bodies now soaking the comforter and sheets. "Lay still," I urge. Once she's laying there. I walk over to the dresser pulling out one of the drawers housing a plethora of restraining ropes, cuffs, and tape. I grab the rope and a silk blindfold before heading back to the bed. "I am going to blindfold and bind your hands together. Only for a moment." I inform her to which she nods in agreeance. Always so agreeable to anything and everything.

Once I slide the blindfold over her head to cover her eyes. It leaves just her mouth exposed. I watch her breasts move up and down as she inhales and exhales. I am sure the anticipation of it all is killing her slowly. I make quick work of binding her wrists together with the rope before placing them above her head. The shower droplets still along her body I glide my tongue over her lower abdomen and up her stomach where her nipples rise from her arousal. Her body squirms underneath my breath grazing over her body.

I position myself between her legs placing her thighs on each one of my shoulders. My kisses leading back down to her lower abdomen. I began to kiss her most sensitive and tender areas. The inner thigh leading up to her sex. It's warm, wet, and inviting when my tongue slides along her lips reminding me that I make her this wet. This excited. This animalistic in a way.

The way her body squirms underneath me is sexy. I have control over her orgasm.

Her moans sounding like a melody in touch with every stroke of my tongue. I grip her thighs pulling her closer to my mouth. No spot can be left untouched. No spot cannot be left without being saturated in her juices which my chin seem to be drenched in. She's even louder when I start to suck and tug at her clit with my teeth a bit. I tease her with a little pleasure and pain. It's causing her body to go into small convulsions now. It won't take her long to succumb to the pleasure that will overtake her body at any given moment. Her bound hands now sit at the based of my head and neck. If she wanted to she could easily pull me closer. When her legs start to shake I know it's almost time for her to coming bursting. Her erratic bodily movements starting to become a bit unbearable. I lock my arms around her thighs so she stays still.

My assault on her sex causes her to want to takeover. Before she completely bursts I am able to slide two fingers inside of her to massage her g-spot which she whimpers. "I can't hold it anymore," the words escaping her lips and her legs start to shake uncontrollably. It's the reaction I had hoped for and her walls clench around my fingers. Her body heaves to the rhythm of her panting from the exertion. The arch in her back before she comes undone is the final piece of the puzzle.

I retract my fingers to taste the aftermath of it all. While she lies there atoning for the dance in which we had partook just a few seconds ago. Her hands relax down by her side when I untie her hands. A kiss to commemorate the occasion is in order. For I have slain her body in the most seductive way. It couldn't have gone any other way. I am grateful for the opportunity to make her succumb to her inner desire. When I lie down next to her it's as if the thoughts from earlier still remain.

The sunlight still pouring over her skin and highlighting the sweat from her breasts and over her hips. Even the sun would of been jealous of how the birg of light seems to outdo us all. Or maybe it was close to impossible to ever gain such a touch from the light.... until now.


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