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The night sky is gracing me with its presence as I glance out the window to admire that of the moonlight shining into my room.

I place both AirPods into my ears to try and block out the white noise in the background. The sounds of my music blares into my ears. It's relaxing to escape to the sounds of familiar tunes that you personally enjoy.

The repeat button is my favorite as I could put any song on my playlist to play over and over.

I lay in my bed closing my eyes to be reminded of her soft fingers intertwined in my mine as she straddles on top of me

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I lay in my bed closing my eyes to be reminded of her soft fingers intertwined in my mine as she straddles on top of me. I'm reminded of her shoulder length curly hair falling out of her messy bun. Those bronze iris's staring back at me and relishing the moment of this happiness occasion. I don't imagine happiness ever feeling this perfect as it was in this moment.

The fair tone of her skin perfectly moisturized and shining just slightly from the reflection of the moon. Her full lips engulfing mine as she kisses me. I admired the way she always made an attempt to smile at me. I've watched her over the course of the months we've intertwined ourselves in this bed time and time again. The curvature of her cheek bones when she expressed happiness from a compliment I've made. 

The way her fist fill of my locs keeping me restrained to the bed. I loved the way she would try to keep me confined underneath the weight of her knees digging into my hips. I let out a soft groan from the gesture. The way she grins at the response. Her lips pierce her lip when she bites her bottom lip. It is only a matter of seconds before those same teeth have pierced the side of my neck in return.

The soft moan I let go in return sends her heart racing beneath her chest. I can feel the surge when were skin to skin. When she rises again to see her face the sheer glossiness in her eyes filled with lust meant she had been ready proceed forward. The relax tension of her hands in my hair gave me the advantage to flip her over on the bed.

Now placed between her legs she relaxes in the warmth of the sheets below where my body once laid. My fingers trace the base of her arms where I pin them above her head. I watch her chest rise and fall as I peer in her eyes. I lean down to place a soft kiss right along her jawline as her hips slightly move signifying the need for more. The need to be skin to skin. 

A barrage of little nips I trace along her jaw and neck while the softest intimate moans release from her lips. The motion in her hips once again swishing underneath me. "Still yourself or I'll bite down harder," I breathe against her neck. The hold I have on her wrists still tightened as she's bound underneath me.

"Don't tease me then," she growls.

The comment makes me smirk when I bite down in between her breasts my teeth adding a bit more pressure this time. Her body jolting underneath me when she sucks in a breath. The pain from the bite makes goosebumps appear along her skin. I release her wrists leaving a persian red imprint where my fingers were. 

"Don't move."

I scoot down around her waist tracing the rim of the t-shirt with my fingers and rising it up her stomach along her breasts exposing her tender pink nipples now risen. The torturous motion continuing when I slide the t-shirt along the base of her arms and over her eyes. Her sight completely blind from any movement outside. I watch her breathe beneath me when I rise up admiring her fair skin with tattoos along her body.

Once again I start the barrage of bites along her hips breathing along her sides and making my way up her sternum. I hear the soft gasps escape her lips with each bite. With her arms still above her head I slide down making myself more comfortable on the bed. I take careful small breaths against the apex of her thighs which makes her squirm. A quick bite to remind her to be still.

"I said don't move."

I remind her once more before I nudge my nose on her panties where her clit would be. My fingertips drag along her bare leg making its way to the sides of her panties when I rub my knuckle on her clit. I feel her body tremble beneath me. Her  breath hitching with every touch that I make. The notion makes me smirk once more as her sense to touch has made her sensitive to any movements along her skin. I bite down on her clit to remind her again even though she hadn't moved much since the last motion I made.

I hear her suck a breath in moving her head to the side where she's breathing against her arm now. The wetness of my saliva leaving a stain on them. I remove her panties with my teeth in a slow motion until they are tight around her thighs. Now bound as well. The sight of her being completely vulnerable and submissive turns me on. My mouth becoming dry from wanting to taste the nervousness that I make her feel.

I waste no time taking her lips in my mouth as I slide my tongue between the cervices of her folds. The moan she releases makes me feral inside. I needed more and so did she. I continue the gesture once more starting further back this time and wiggling my tongue at the same time before I focus my attention on her clit. I hear her moans escaping her lips over and over again. Then once again her hips and thighs start to squirm underneath me. I bite down on her clit in a sharp motion that makes her gasp.

"I'm sorry," she breathes.

The same tender spot where I bit down now becoming a bit redden. I lick over the same spot to sooth the pain in that area. Then engulf her pussy in my mouth fully. The same moans filling the silence and thickness of her heavy breathing. The pressure of her climax building when I take her clit into my mouth and start sucking on it intensely. I take two of my fingers sliding it in her wet pussy and curving them slightly touch the most sensitive area inside of her. Once again she quivers at the motion but I ignore them hearing her sing the moans which now feel the air. The way her chest heaves up and down from me licking and plunging deep inside her over and over. My fingers massaging the walls of her inside. The way she's almost at her peak when I keep motioning my fingers inside her. 

I retrieve my fingers from inside of her to taste her wetness myself. "Open your mouth and taste how much you want me." I urge. I swipe my index and middle finger between her folds gathering some wetness.

A swatch over her lips where her tongue slides over and replaced with her teeth biting her bottom lip. I rise up to where I am face to face with her. The t-shirt still covering her eyes, but the heavy breathing still going. I breath against her lips when I plunge my fingers back inside of her caressing that same sensitive spot. When she moans I take her lips in mine. The gestured returned as she kisses me back. 

I feel her arms quickly slide in my locs while we kiss. I don't stop moving my fingers in and out of her folds. The wetness now gliding down my fingers. The gushing of her wetness making swishing noises. I feel her body convulsing when I move my lips away from hers. One final motion sending her legs trembling as she holds onto my back. I hear the unrelenting moans of her beginning orgasm starting to grow. The whimpers leaving her lips when I place my thumb on her clit at the same time.

The build up making her breathing erratic and violent but beautiful in a way. I feel her nails dig into my back making a soft groan escape from my lips. Her lips parted with the most beautiful release of a gasp and moan combined louder than before. I remove my fingers once her body seems to relax. The orgasm reaching the end of its journey. 

 I finally open my eyes when the song ends at the same time. My body feeling moist from the sweat that broke out while the imagination lingered. My iPhone illuminating to show a text on the screen. 

 The text message bubble reading I'm home baby. I missed you :)

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