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I've noticed the way someone takes care of themselves by the lingering scent they leave behind. It's one of the best qualities one can have. It's also one of the worse if you are a stinging reminder leaving a bad aftertaste in the mouth you had to part from. In this case her reminder always left me with a gaping curiosity. I could never recollect whether it was the lingering smell of her hair products, the perfume, or her natural musk. Every now and again I would catch a whiff from a piece of clothing she left over here by accident.

My tongue bends backward moistening my bottom lip. I'm reminded that of her gracious smile when I told her a joke, or when she was genuinely happy in that moment. I make circular rotating motions when the glass that had whiskey sloshing around at the bottom. The clink from the ice in the cup hitting against the sides in a rhythmic motion every few seconds. I'm plagued with thoughts her lips always inviting me in for those sweet kisses.

I was unequivocally in love with her.

The lounge chair overlooking the moon on the balcony hosts my body as my mind drifts away in la la land. However, they never seem to drift far from her presence in general. I take a sip of the strong liquid making me squinch my face slightly. Alcohol is definitely one of those drugs that makes you question everything. It definitely made me more bold sometimes when I caught myself relaxing more. It didn't help my nonchalant demeanor made me quite unapproachable, but she was never scared in that aspect..... and I respected her more for that.

"Why are you out here by yourself?"

The soothing voice comes from by the sliding glass door. I adjust myself looking over my right shoulder when I see a sheet wrapped around her lower shoulders. The nakedness underneath almost slightly visible. The part where both ends of the sheets meet is where her tawny brown leg is exposed.

"I am enjoy the moonlight and the waves," I say.

I enjoyed nature because during the day all the cars and the sirens flooding my ears got overwhelming at times. It was nice having a view of the beach from so high up. Even the moon greeting me in such an elegant way. It was my favorite place to be. "Join me," I urge her.

The way she glides over to my side in a few movements I am greeted with that scent again. She takes a seat on my lap making herself comfortable. I feel her throw her legs over to the side and rest her head on my chest.

"How long have you been out here?"

Time was irrelevant when you're just reminiscing or deep in thought which I tend to be majority of the time. I would be a top contender for a Guinness World Record if that were a thing.

"Long enough to realize how much I enjoy the view."

It really was breathtaking. The way the waves crash over and over on the shore. The moon illuminating the parts of the Earth that you normally once over and never think about again.

"Let's go down there," she says.


"Yes silly, now..."

A little giggle from her and I am mesmerized. I lean down on the side to set the glass down on the floor. Then wrap my hand around one of her legs to have her facing towards me. I feel the warmth of her body feeling me with the feelings I tried so hard to conceal. It wasn't the least bit fair to know that how much I loved her could never translate into words.

Our lips meet for a kiss once but it was enough to quiet the world around me. I feel her manicured nails brush across my cheek as she holds my face to her. 

 "Let's go."

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The beach pitch black as far as the eye can see. There were the occasional lights from a flashlight in the distant as people were always walking the beach late at night. They were yards away though. It felt like this part of the beach was private to just the both of us.

It was a little more breezy down at the beach than it had been on the balcony, but Florida had always been more humid than anything. The water was even warm enough that I decided to take a plunge in. It wasn't too long after she had been joining me. Always bold, always fearless. I never had to convince her to do anything.

"This was a great choice," she giggles.

"I agree. You made it much better though." I admit.

I watch her wave her arms into the water making her way closer and eliminating the distance between us. Her body greeting mine with even more warmth again. The alcohol seeping into my steam making me even more bold. I feel the drips from the remaining water from her arms as she drapes them across both shoulders. I waste no time taking her lips into mine. We didn't need that of conversation much when we could just understand each others body language.

Our lips didn't part once in the five minutes we spent making out in that water. I wanted her right then in that moment, but the water was hindering that. We finally made our way onto the shore where the sheet conveniently placed down awaited our soaking wet bodies. It was only a matter of time before I was between her legs, lips inviting me in once again, and her legs closing in around my waist.

I hadn't notice much of her nakedness when we were upstairs because the sheet seem to cover most of it. It made me chuckle slightly. Bold. It was never a dull moment with her. I felt the rush of lust hitting me now. The beach didn't deserve to hear her sing, but was I going to stop... No. I take her body shifting her till she straddled me on top. The water dripping from her face onto mine. Our lips once ever separating for air every now and again. I could feel her heart racing underneath her skin when our chest pressed against one another.

"I can't take you here," I breathe.

"Why not?"

Did I mention she was bold? I had been the more modest one of us both.

"I-I mean..."

"Don't be a scaredy cat," she teases.

"I am not a scaredy cat. I just don't want to share you with the world. I never want to."

I don't know if I was admitting more so to me or her, but her smile lets me know she appreciated the words anyway. "And you won't have to," she whispers. The last thing I remember is her lips catching mine and the space eliminated altogether. The moonlight overshadowing our bodies as we toss and turn on the sand beneath us.

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