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The illuminating screen flashes across my eyes making me blink a couple times to adjust to the brightness. "I'm coming over" The text message reads followed by a couple of miss calls. My room is cool from the air conditioning which is the reason for my long slumber. The text message had been from fifteen minutes prior. I could assume that she was already making her way over to my apartment. I slide up from my satin sheets to partially sit slumped against the headboard. It didn't even occur to me the time of day it was.

I glance at my phone once more to see the time on the clock reading 11:55pm. I wondered why so late but quickly dismiss the thought. It didn't matter what time of day it was. All that mattered was mentally and physically gearing up for some late-night company. I swiftly slide from under the sheets to make my way to the kitchen. The hardwood floors feeling foreign to my feet with how cold it was. I must've been asleep for a while. A quick shiver wakes me up to remind me how drowsy I still was.

The kitchen greets my presence with the automatic light shifting on. I grab a glass from the cupboard placing it under the refrigerator. A few seconds of metal clanking and it automatically dispenses water in my glass. I take a sip of the water. Refreshing. I stand there completely staring into space and absentmindedly not aware of my surroundings. A knock at the door quickly snaps me back into reality.

It must be her.

A dark-haired tawny colored Aniya locks eyes with me.

Her curvy waist completely filling the spaces in her scarlet red colored dress. It didn't take me long to realize that she either had been out with her friends or coming from a dinner party. The glaze in her hazel eyes gave me the indication that this wasn't going to be like any other night. This night had some conviction behind it, but I wasn't here to ask questions. 

In a swift movement her hands are around my neck and lips surfacing that of the side of my cheek. A whiff of grapes from wine fills my nostrils followed by her sultry scented perfume. This wasn't a girl's night out. I know she wouldn't want me to go prying in her private affairs, so I don't ask. I close the door behind her making sure to lock it. 

There's a leftover glossy kissing imprint on my cheek when she moves away. "I don't want to talk about it, but I know something that can help me get my mind off of it," she says softly.

I glance down at her seeing an almost weary look in her eye, but I nod. 

Her hands glide over my sports bra tracing the outline of my chest tattoo and intertwining her fingers between the bra strap tightly. I feel the weight of her pulling me closer. Our bodies pressing against one another and eliminating any space in between. I simultaneously push her against the back of the door. The way our lips meet I can taste the wine on her lips which make me instinctively lick her lips. My hands creep up both her arms where I can pin them above her head. 

A swift movement from the relaxation of my hands and she's pitting her weight against me. I find myself stumbling away from the door. We back up to the couch where she pushes me over the armrest, and I am left lying there watching her. Aniya slowly reaches under her arm to unzip her dress a bit. The sleeves of her dress fall down her shoulders comfortably by her arms. I could barely see her nakedness. Her breasts perfectly keeping the dress on her body. 

"That dress is a snug fit on you," I smirk.

"Mm... it is I could use your help taking it off."

The quick remark doesn't even make me hesitate. I try to lift myself from the couch but her feet with the heel still firmly on sits on my chest. "First," she whispers. The heel causing some discomfort, but I obey her command. My hands undo the strap on her heel which comes right off. I repeat this with the other heel as she releases a sigh of relief. 

Her fingers meet the bottom seam of her dress where she lifts it slightly to sit upon her hips. I watch her move my legs in place where she can sit on top of me comfortably. The sexual tension had been building when I first laid eyes on her in the dress. "Tell me what you like about me," she provokes such an intimate question.

The way she places the slow intimate kiss upon my neck makes me almost forget the initial request. "The way you are kissing me right now. I don't think I'll be able to give you the answer you want. But it doesn't matter because I am going to give you what you need right now." I answer truthfully. My mind cluttered with the thoughts of she sound like to my neighbors who will have trouble sleeping through the night. 

"Tell me what I need then," she implores.

Our eyes lock once more before I mouth the words. A good fucking. The inside of her just brimming with delight. A quirky little giggle makes me smile. My lips meet with hers to taste the wine again. They don't part for a few seconds. I take this time to slip her sleeves falling down to her waist at this point. Her breasts sit her perky and nipples hardened to the touch. My teeth graze over her nipple when she lets out a moan blessing my ears. 

I like how her moans are almost harmonious. They only ever seem to turn me on. Even when we make out it's like her body is reacting to that of physical touch. I always assumed that maybe she'd been sensitive to physical touch. The weight of her body shifts down on my pelvis, and I let out a soft gasp. I also seemed to like that Aniya knew the exact places that seem to pleasure me as well. Her hand grabs onto my throat like she's asserting her dominance over me. I cannot help but smile because she rarely takes the lead. I believe the liquid courage in her system has her acting out of pure courage. She squeezes the sides of my neck to give a reassuring nudge. However, I am not the least bit nervous. The ecstasy has purely taken over when I flip her to where she's underneath me. A yelp leaving her as she pinned underneath me. I slide my leg between her legs and nudge between her.

I bite down on her bottom lip when she moans into mine. I can feel her wetness building up on my knee. It makes my mouth water from just the sheer feeling of her soaking through her thongs. I make my way down in between her legs lifting her dress above so that her black thongs are exposed. Her hands make their way into my locs making sure to push my head further. The fabric of her thongs entering my mouth as I tease her a bit with my performance. Her body shuffles a bit as she's building up. I know she's getting impatient, but teasing is the best part. Or that's what I like to tell myself. The truth is I want her to beg for it. 

"I like that you let me do whatever I want to you," I admit.

Her body convulses at the feeling of my haughty breathing against her inner thigh. I place my lips on her inner thigh taking some of her flesh into my mouth and slowly sucking on it. My tongue swirls on the spot as I create a hickey. Her moans filling the quietness of the room. The way she's getting riled up for me I can tell that she missed the touch of me. There was a part of me that wished she wore this dress for me because I wanted to rip it off her body. 

"And I want you to do whatever you want to me."

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