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The silence in the air is so thick its hard to hear my thoughts as they process through my mind. Nylah bursts through the door of my apartment appearing more intoxicated than usual. But who am I to argue that when the amount of wine I have consumed wouldn't have been any better if we were to function correctly. The way she sways from slide to slide has let me know that the alcohol she has consumed was far more lethal than she let on in her previous text messages before arriving in my apartment.

"You can't possibly think I'm going to let you drive home tonight, Nylah," I say out of concern.

"I think you're overreacting right now," she giggles while stumbling close to where I stood next to the entry way of my apartment.

I usually would be the person to have taken care of her while she's intoxicated because I know how to handle my liquor well from experience. I had been well past older than she was by several years. So I had more time to get accustomed to the idea of alcohol and most of the impulsive decisions made while under the influence. However I had been drinking as well tonight. 

The bottle of wine now empty had been sitting conveniently next to my laptop that I had presently been working on before I heard a disturbance at my door. I glance over at the clock on the microwave the green numbers reading 1:30am

I guess I misjudged the time.

It didn't take long for Nylah to make herself comfortable by sliding her jet black stilettos off of her feet and chucking them to the side where some of my shoes were. I know I should probably be helping her get comfortable, but it's cute watching her struggle. 

"I like this color on you," I say.

Nylah still giggling makes her way over to where I'm standing. "It's because you love black," she responds. Not a lie, but not the truth as well. I liked most neutral colors. However, the black dress being accompanied by her physique made it difficult to focus on the task at hand. She throws her arms over both of my shoulder's resting her weight against mine. "I didn't come over to talk," she admits.

It's not surprising either.

"I'm well aware."

A slight grin forms on my face when I swoop her over my shoulder in one swift movement. Nylah yelps from the motion and follows it with a giggle. I make my way to the bedroom where tonight's festivities will begin and end. The black comforter gracing our bodies with its cool temperature when I place her down. 

"Close your eyes."

Once she closes her eyes I slip away for a moment to grab the half drunken bottle of wine that I had on the kitchen island. When I return she's down to her thongs with her breasts now exposed to me. "Perfect," I breathe. I set the bottle of wine down next to the bed. I watch her extend her arms above her body molding her wrists together. A clear indication that she wanted to be bound.

"I got something for that," I say. There's a drawer where my items are placed for occasions like these. My fingers scan over the items in the drawer where there are handcuffs, rope, and assortment of kinky toys. I linger over the handcuffs, but settle on the rope. The rope feels smooth but firm in the palm of my hand.

I walk over to where she's still laying wrapping the rope around her wrists. Around, and around, up and over. Once I have finished tying her hands together I step onto the bed and over her body pushing two fingers in between a space between the rope her her wrists pulling her higher on the bed. The notion making her yelp following a giggle behind it. Once I am at the base of the headboard where a small hook had been installed I latch the rope onto it.

A swift movement down to the base of her hips. I cup my hands on each hip rising her up from the bed and flipping her entire body where she's now bent over. Her ass presented in the black lacy thong now. The sight mine to marvel over when I take a swig from the bottle of wine holding some of it in my mouth. I sauntered to her face where her arms stretched holding onto the rope. I cup her chin tilting her head upward and our lips meet. My tongue prying her lips open when I fill her mouth with the remaining wine that I hadn't swallowed. 

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