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I am engulfed in the alcohol sliding down the side of my chin. My friends encourage me to down the small amount of alcohol in a cup. The five of us in a group have consumed enough alcohol to possibly put someone in a coma. It's then that beat drops in the beat. The crowd yelling in happiness. The number of bodies swarming the dancefloor making it impossible to move starts to overwhelm some of my friends.

They dismiss themselves towards the bar when a small opening shows a brunette dancing by herself. The way her body sways back and forth leaves me in a trance. I only slow my dancing down almost to a complete stop in the midst. It's the liquid courage taking over. We make eye contact in the strobe lights shining over her face every other second. It illuminates that of her slight grin.

Her hands reach up towards the air and she moves her hips around to move her body in a wavy motion. The once small gap enough to see her starts to close around the both of us. Were close enough that I can pretty much smell the lingering perfume she probably sprayed a while ago before coming to the club. I can't help but want to have my fingers grasping her waist and pulling her close. It's only a matter of moments before were face to face.

I watch her lips form a smile as she begins to twirl her body around where her back is against my chest. The song starts slowly starts to change into a more familiar tone. It's slower though. Everything around me starts to feel like slow motion. It's more sensual in sound. The alcohol is creeping its way into my bloodstream where I am able to follow the motion of her body.

Her silver backless crop top shimmers in the purple strobe lights mesmerize that of the eye. Then her hands make their way around the nape of my neck. I feel her bottom grind against my pelvis in a torturous motion. My tongue creeps over my bottom lip lathering it slightly. The intrusive thoughts along with that of the alcohol slowly starting to win.

My hands glides over her waist wrapping slowly to hold her close. The return of her hands feeling my arms is a welcome notion of body language. A complete stranger in all sense of the word, but a familiar warm feeling. It's as if we both felt safe in the company of each other. It was all a conundrum. Her foreign fingers slip into mine as she encloses her hands into mine. Everything still moving in slow motion it felt like only us in the middle of the dancefloor.

 Everything still moving in slow motion it felt like only us in the middle of the dancefloor

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"Come," she whispers into my ear.

I watch the black silhouette of her body lead us through the crowd. We walk through an arch way that leads us to another part of the club with the tune still matching that of a dance vibe. Except it wasn't in complete darkness. The redlight illuminating everything red. The two tones capturing her face where I am able to see her high cheek bones filling out her face. 

Another familiar tune plays.

"I am Natalia."

Finally, a name to the face.

"I am Liel," I breathe.

We finally come to a stop when she tries to pronounce my name. "Lie-el,". Her voice making my name sound even more attractive then when I say it. "I have never heard that before," she says.

"It means 'my god' apparently." I shrug.

A small smirk forms across her face. "I guess I should be worshipping you then, huh?" she says turning around to the bartender.

The nervousness started to set in when her flirtatious comment caught me off guard. I could feel the sweat starting to form between my fingers. I start to question her flirty behavior for being kind or could she be genuinely be attracted to me. Oh the joys of being queer! Quickly I take a moment to message my friends of the location I disappeared off to before she turns around with two drinks in her hands.

Once again, the song changes but its the same as before. Almost like the song had echoed throughout the club in a wave like motion traveling from one set of speakers to the other. It was interesting as it hadn't happen before. The club was definitely big enough that it needed to be an amphitheater. I see her mouth the lyrics while handing me one of the drinks. Her body slowly started to find the flow of the song before, and her body matches the motion.

I watch her disappear onto the dance floor motioning her hand for me to follow her. She still is mouthing the lyrics of the song when I approach her. Then she lowers herself down to the floor her knees supporting most of her weight. Natalia really knew how to make herself the center of attention in a crowded place. I couldn't blame her though.

Her figure was very vivacious and nothing lacked. I guess the only perplexing thought I had was why she would be in a place like this alone. I am sure she could have had many suitors coming to dance with her. The eyes peering around us I could feel the jealousy and curiosity emanating around us, but in this moment she was my girl.... and I was proud of... my girl.

I was trying hard to fight the urge not to be too touchy, but the self-restraint was becoming difficult to withstand. It was also becoming difficult to shake this nervousness I felt. A few swings of my drink and I was back to feeling that courage settle in again. I wrap my arm around her waist eliminating the space between us. Natalia's bold demeanor begin to crumble and the softness in her eyes peered into that of mine. Our eyes meet one another's and I could tell she just wanted some direction in her life.

We were just a few centimeters from one another. I could kiss her. I wanted to kiss her. 

I am going to kiss her.

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