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.His Title.

<a 50 years time skip>

3rd POV

Our dear protagonist became an Arrancar in the time within 50 years. Well, this was process and the conformation that hollows can became an Arrancar with his power.

With also the help of the skill he made with the help of Sybyl as well.

He's appearance is the definition of the appearance of a god! Oh how his face is like a perfect sculptured statue, the beautiful silky and soft looking (h/c) hair, his (e/c) eyes that shine like jewels, his smooth (s/c) skin and his well toned body.

Ah. Everything is perfect about him...

Some hollows question their kings evolution and appearance, so he tried to explain...


So he just gave up and just tell them that you will experience it when you train enough and have a lot of spiritual energy.

Eventually that made them satisfied with his answer.

And he was a little shocked of how they still could recognize him of his changed appearance.

So he questioned some of the hollows and this were their answers...

"How could I not recognize our king?! You always stand out our king, and will always be." "I just recognize you our king." "You have the same presence so it's easy to recognize you our king"

Yeah. Something like that...

Over the 50 years, the lonely hill of white sand with swords everywhere within 150 meters, slowly became a kingdom.

A place where hollows are at peace.

A place where everyone treat others as equal, expect for our dear protagonist though... No mater how much he denied, eventually he gave up and they make him king. 

This is a place were everyone here is a family member. Mess with one member, you mess with the whole family of hollows.

Their like a pack who is overprotective of each other, but their much more overprotective about our dear protagonist though...

It sometimes irritates him... A little... But he doesn't show it, because he doesn't want to see their shame filled faces again...

It happened one time, like 13 years ago... Where our dear protagonist was practicing a new skill, and some of the hollows were watching.

And then there are two hollows that were arguing and fighting for something... And it is still unknown why...

One of the hollows that are fighting, accidentally shot a cero at our dear protagonist making him lose control of the skill...

And boy was our dear protagonist mad. He was fuming because of the almost done progress, was restarted.

And the wasted spiritual energy... And he has to replenish all that again...

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