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<1 hour time skip>

1st POV

After some interrogation from this guy, which is the demon lord of this world, I learned many things. From the books that I read and from this guy.

Basically this world was bullshit and messed up from the start. Why? Well, you see in this world they have 'heaven' here. But not any kind of heaven, basically a prisoner for every mortal who is a 'descended'.

A descended is a person who has a strong magical capabilities and strong mental capacity or strong desire of something. When this person dies, they thought they will get rewarded in their so called 'heaven' for their hard work.

But no, they will get imprisoned and will get judged by the so called gods of this world. Their not really gods though, their pretending that they are high and mighty, when the truth is they imprisoned the real god who was the supervisor of this world. And their weak as fuck.

The real god was actually sent by one of Ed's brothers, they are called observers. The observers are basically like servants from Ed's brothers, they supervise the condition of the world created by their master, filling in the role of a god.

They are reporting back to their perspective masters of the condition of the current world their are supervising, once a decade.

But since the observer, who is the real God of this world is imprisoned, they can't report back because they need to came there personally to report. Because in their term, reporting without showing your face to your master is considered disrespectful to them. For some reason...

When the descended finished getting judged, the current gods will decide if this descended will get imprisoned until they make use of them or just kill them on the spot if their not 'capable' enough.

Basically they will kill you if your not strong enough, and use those who pass the 'judgement' to become their slaves who will fight for them if there are a rebellion happening.

How? Well, the rebellion was actually going to happen a month, the one leading the rebellion is the demon lord himself, who knows the truth of this world. The so called gods predicted this many years back and are preparing from the start when the demon lord knew of this.

How do this so called gods make the descended became their slaves? Well, they will use the descended's strong desire to their advantage. Basically, they will reform their strong desire of something to 'loyalty'.

How will the demon lord lead the rebellions if the only way to go there is to die? Well, there is a way to go to the so called 'heaven' forcefully. The book that I found on the table in the first floor was the solution.

The book explained how to break reality, time, and space. The potions I found was actually a potion to make a portal to 'heaven'. Well, they were actually just prototypes.

Where is the rebellion or the demon lord's army? Surely he won't take them head on, alone right? Well, since the humans really don't do much, and the royal family is the only one who has strong magic capability.

He was actually going to massacre this whole entire empire and make them to a undead army to make them at least a little stronger, 1 week from now. He was going to brainwash the royal family to also join the rebellion, not kill them.

Vast Sand (Bleach x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now