Many companies nowadays have a variety of means for attracting customers. They have a lot of money to spend on advertising efforts. However, this causes a number of issues, and some protections should be established to protect consumers.Consumers are being flooded with an enormous number of advertisements from competing companies, which has some negative consequences. To begin with, the growing number of advertising forms, which are globalized and many, causes customers to have difficulty deciding which good brand's items to employ, despite the fact that these brands' goods are of comparable quality. Secondly, increase in the amount of advertisements stimulates customers to buy a large number of things that they do not need. They do this just because they are attracted by television or Internet advertising efforts, however this is a waste of money.
Customers could also be protected in a variety of ways.One of them is that companies should limit advertising on the internet and should open fairs or product experiences, in that way people can make better and more informed choices, avoid buying what they don't need. In addition, the government should create customer protection associations. Customers must be trained about the difference between advertising programs and real product quality through these associations, as well as given advice on how to carefully establish any brand before using it.
In conclusion, while the excessive level of advertising has a number of drawbacks for consumers, there are a number of successful ways for protecting consumers from advertising's harmful effects.
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