chapter 2 annoyingness

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The next few days were pleasent. Except for the creepy chills I was getting.

"Cut it out Orochimaru!" I yelled as a chill like hands came around my waist and up my back.

Orochimaru stayed quiet as the hands like feeling slowly went away, and the more slowly they went, the further they came to my stomach.

"Chills again?" Kabuto sneered.

"Shut up four eyes!" I said sternly to him.

"Your just lucky I can't hurt you. Or else I'd be hurting lord Orochimaru as well." Kabuto threatened.

"Oh yes protect the snake lord of creepy ass chills." I said sarcastically. I then felt a chill like fingertips brushing my upper high. "Knock it off!!" I said with firey anger.

"I can see why he chose this method over pain." Kabuto laughed. "This is much more entertaining."

"Shut up!" I said angrily, "or so help me I will kill you! And I don't want to kill you."

"Why not? I've held you hostage twice, kissed you and paralysed you in the process."

"I had a bet with myself to see if you could get a girl after I took care of him." I said, "and killing you would mean I lose so I can't."

"You got that board." Kabuto said.

" yep." I said as Zethira entered the room. "Sup."

"Hi, I heard you yelling."

"Just snakey boy sending chills." I said to her.

"You know what happens when people call me that Elizabeth. In your case they get this." Orochimaru sneered as he sent one of the worst chills. It felt like fingertips again brushing my chest and neck, then the memory of when Orochimaru kissed me about 4 years ago flashed in my head, he then began to laugh and instinctively imagined him doing his creepy tongue thing.

Knock it off oruchimaru! Or I will burn us. I threatened.

"As we agreed, instead of pain I'll be doing this for your torchure. It a more mental torchure rather than physical." He said creepily.

I would so love to kill myself but I can't for others' sake. So I'll just have to burn us when I get too annoyed.

"Sounds fine. A little physical pain to me is nothing compared to the entertainment I'm providing Kabuto here." Orochimaru said laughing.

A few hours later I decided I'd send a message to sasuke using the communication jutsu. I had pictured him and found my mind had traveled to the leaf village in the hokages office.

"What?! Elizabeth!" Tsunade said surprised.

"Look I don't have much time. I'm in a cave in the land of rivers with Kabuto. He plans to gain information from me by any means necessary, and I have a friend here with me as well. I would suggest you send your best ninja. Kabuto is no fool-" I broke off during my explanation as my mind traveled back to the cave.

I saw the roof had collapsed, Zethira had knocked me over and was shaking wildly on top of me. "Who is he?!" She asked gesturing to a man in an akastuki cloak.

"I'm not doing this because I want to." Said a familiar voice. I then realized it was kisame.

"Kisame!?" I said surprised. I then hauled Zethira of me and helped her up. "You must really care to go through such trouble."

"I don't care. Itachi did and he ordered me that if he were to die that keep you from harm." Kisame said. "Now let's go."

"Fine." I said as I carried Zethira out of the cave roof, which was now collapsed.

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