chapter 11 control issues and sorrow

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"Yamato, let's just get this over with to show my mother here what real combat looks like here." I said playfully annoyed.

"I'm not sure I want you fighting him." Mom said. "What if you get hurt?"

"I'll heal what I can heal." I said as we exited the building. "I'm stronger than you think. I did save the world."

"Like I'll believe that load of crap!" Mom snorted.

"Ya know I nearly died while sealing that dragon!" I scolded. "You've no fucking idea how much pain I went through!!"

"Elizabeth don't lie to me. We both know its all your imagination." My mother said as if it all were a joke.

Quickly and gracefully I slammed my mom into a concrete wall, no one stopped me but I did gather a crowd. "Shut up!!" I screamed with eternal mongyekyo. I couldn't control it properly and was losing all control over my power. The curse mark flared bright red over my face and flames were beginning to flicker throughout my body. "Does this look fake to you?!?"

"Elizabeth...........the last thing you said to me was that you loved me. And I just can't believe that for a minute I believed you." Mom said in a sad tone.

"I was dying! It was a good day until that moment!" I said angrily, nobody moved until I felt sasukes hand on my shoulder.

"Your just as much of a hothead as tsunade.." Oruchimaru sneered. "And sending you dreams is all the more entertaining."

"Fuck off oruchimaru!!" I shouted. I then vaguely noticed the feeling I got just before using amatarsu was near. Shaking off sasukes hand on my shoulder and shoving my mom to the ground I quickly jumped off the ground straight to the roof of the building. I then went into second stage, everyone including my mother was watching as I felt tsunades chakra getting close. I flew off the roof easily, my large wings holding me in the air effortlessly.

Flying as tears flew across my face I almost crashed into a tree. I landed on its branch and saved my fall.I then slid down and pressed my head into my knees, wrapping my falcon like wings around me. A flash back of my saddest memory appearing like a genjutsu.

Flash back

A dead body layed before me in the dead of night. Immediately I knew whose it was, it was shamari.

I looked away as my sword dripped her blood over the floor. The pained look on my face shed a tear that landed on her cheek. Her pale, lifeless body, my obsidian sword with her blood. Dropping my sword I fell to the ground.

When I felt a hand on my shoulder I jerked up to see an all but too painful face to see. I saw itachi kneeling beside me. He knew all too well how it felt after killing one you held dear.

Without a single thought I slung my head to his shoulder and grasped the collar to his cloak. Itachi said nothing as I burried my head into his shoulder. Unlike he did when he received the mission to kill our clan, I could kill the person, but not the emotions I'd feel.

"Its all right." Itachi knew he was saying empty words but said them to try and comphort me. He raised his hand so it stroked my hair in an attempt to calm my trembling, sad self.

Back to reality

At that memory of itachi it only made me cry harder. My stomach pained in this sadness.

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