chapter 10 torture

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Sasukes POV

Waking up with Elizabeth in his arms was the best thing he could possibly feel. He often woke up before her, he moved his arm along hers, tangling her fingers in his. She's so perfect. He thought as his body was against hers, he felt the gentle rise and fall of her back and calming sounds of her breathing. She twitched and sasuke smiled, she's so perfect. He thought again. I never want her to leave my side. Not in a million years.

Elizabeth then shifted, they were now face to face. Her sleeping face shimmered in the morning sunlight that came over them. Without much thinking he pulled her close and her head went over his shoulder, her long hair covered his face but sasuke didn't care. When he settled her back into her original position she mumbled something in her sleep. She's so cute when she's asleep. So peaceful, I could watch her sleep foever.

Sasuke watched and smiled as he continued to watch elizabeth sleep for a while before she too flung her eyes open. Those blood red eyes that only about 4 maybe 6 months ago released so much blood and tears. Those red eyes seeing his deepest thoughts for her. The precious rubies that were the bain of his existence.

Quickly and mostly mindlessly he hauled her on top of him and hugged her, wrapping his arms over her back. When she lifted herself to look at him she almost immediately leaned down and their lips met hungrily. While making out he sat up, elizabeth now on his lap. His hand went to the back of her neck as he pulled her closer.

Back to my point of veiw

Gently sasuke slid the sleeve to my sleep shirt off my shoulder, exposing my chest as he pulled me against him. An unknown time later we were again laying peacfully with each other.

Face to face with one another we held each other close. I layed my head against sasukes chest, his heartbeat beating at the same rate as mine. We layed with each other for at leased an hour before crawling out of bed.

"Whose first for the shower?" I asked casually.

"I guess you. I can wait." Sasuke replied with a smile.

"Thanks." I said grabbing one of the large towels on the nightstand and wrapping it around my body. "See ya in a few."

Sasuke nodded, watching me as I passed. My long hair swaying.

Back to sasuke

She's perfect in every way. Our love only grows with each passing moment. Sasuke thought watching elizabeth pass him. He smiled a gentle, caring smile as she disappeared around the corner. And my love for her only gets stronger with every kiss, night, and every moment I spend with her. This morning was one of the few times I'll never forget, one of those few mornings I'll always look back to. I've never felt this way about anyone except her. Even though she's from another world where I'm just a picture I still love her. Sasuke sat on his bed as thoughts and memories raced through his mind. I love everything about her, her hair, her smile, her soft skin, even though she's a different person from in our childhood I remember she's only changed for the better. The only thing that's wrong with her is that she has oruchimaru in her head. But anyone including her would admit it.

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