chapter 16

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Back at my place zethira, alvrea, mom and I sat alone in my living room.

"Now can you finally believe me that I'm stronger than I was in the other world?" I asked her.

"Yes." Mom said. "But that does not change the-"

"Listen up mom!" I interrupted her smashing my fist against the table, "in this world only team 7, alvrea and tsunade know we three are from a different world. Therefore I had to go through the trouble of creating a realistic cover story to save your ass!"


"As far as anyone here in this village is permitted to know you are zethiras mother," I began, "you took me in for a short while before leaving with zethira to travel. No one really knowing you sinse I'm an uchiha and the massacre and all. Zethira then got kidnapped by kabuto and when you heard she was here you traveled here and I let you into my home."

"You know she could've left you to fend for yourself, jobless, no money or food." Zethira said to my mom. "Instead she gave you her room, a roof over your head, food to eat."

"Exactly. And I've gotten a steady job protecting the land of fire and surrounding lands." I said to her. "I'll be 18 soon and I could've very well just thrown you out at the first argument, but I let you stay and thought up a cover story. So I saved your ass."

"Elizabeth.........I hadn't realized......I thought you....." Was all mom said.

"As much of a pain you are you are my mother so I'll give you a roof over your head." I said to her. "You owe me one. You can pay your dept of living here by cooperating with the cover story and being respectful to tsunade and jonin as well as chunin and other ninja."

"O....okay......" Mom said.

"Alvrea, you mind staying the night and teaching my mother the names of people?"

"I will stay master." Alvrea said in her deep majestic way.

"You don't need to call me master. Just elizabeth is fine." I said to the wolf.

Alvrea nodded as I went to tsunades office. She apparently had some mission for me.

"Elizabeth, I need you to go to a small village about 3 days trip from here and go under cover." Tsunade explained. "I'm declaring this an A rank. There apparently have been reports of some illegal activity in the area and need you to scope it out."

"So your typical gain information and send word back mission. Piece of cake." I said.

"Also, I hear rumors of akastuki activity was stirred over there. You best take your cloak in case." Tsunade informed.

"Yes ma'am." I said politely leaving.

Back at my place I gathered a few things and put them in my bag.

"What's the mission?" Zethira asked.

"Go to a town undercover and scope it out for suspicious activity. Deception being my specialty she sent me." I explain putting a few elixers in my bag.

"Your going alone?"

"Yeah, I guess. I want alvrea to stay as well and look after you two. Plus it wouldn't look so casual if I had a wolf following me around." I said with a slight laugh.

"I guess not." Zethira smiled a smile I've not seen.

"What's with that grin?"

"I've just never seen you so happy before. It makes me happy to know your not depressed."

"Well this is where I belong. Even with every bad thing and changed thing, I wouldn't want it any other way." I said to her. "Even with mom around now to torture me and oruchimaru in my head, even with all the creepy ass shit I've gotta deal with I'm happier here than at the other world."

my heaven: a naruto fantasy: 3 years later- a new problemWhere stories live. Discover now