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two minutes.

two minutes was all it took, from them pulling into the driveway to them walking into the house, where jungkook eyed namjoon down. in the span of two minutes a father and son bond was completely destroyed. all because of a small lie told by jungkook's father.

jungkook stared at his father with pure disbelief on his face. his dad, chief of police, did not just call kim namjoon, leader of a terrible mafia, boss.

"dad, what do you mean by boss, why are we here?" jungkook said cutting off his father mid sentence. jungkook's dad looked at him and shook his head before speaking up.

"i work for namjoon to keep him protected and out of jail." he said, jungkook couldn't believe his ears, he looked up to his father. the man saved countless lives, he's a role model for many people. come to find out he's a dirty cop, protecting the worst person in south korea.

"you're keeping him protected, what the fuck. does mom know?" jungkook said, stepping away from his father and eyeing namjoon again. all namjoon could do was stand there with his arms crossed. he had no say in what happened with the two, that was them, nothing dealing with him.

"yes she knows, kook, calm down. i promise you it's not that serious nor is it that bad."

"that bad? that bad, dad, this man is the reason for the countless deaths in south korea. he's the reason behind the drug outputs in the korea. you're saying it's not that bad, tell that to the people who've lost their lives because of him." jungkook said, raising his voice.

seokjin in the other room stirred in his sleep before waking up. he heard their voices from down the hallway and stood up. he followed the voices just to find the three of them, with jungkook red faced and tears brimming his eyes.

"jungkook, i know that, i know all of that. your mother said the same thing when i told her what i was doing but i have my reasons for working with him. i'd never do it if there wasn't a good reason behind it."

"what could possibly justify you helping him."

"your protection, your mothers protection. i did this for you, to keep you all safe." he says, he looks down at his feet, feeling the guilt he felt all those years ago, even before jungkook was born, rise up again. "what?" jungkook said softly, not expecting his dad to give an actual reasonable answer.

"a few years before you were born i got caught up in some mess with a rogue gang. i owed them money which i payed back but they kept pestering me for more. they threatened your mother, your grandmother, and when you were born, they threatened to kill you. at one point they stopped, i thought they forgot about me, so i let my guard down.

i turned away from you for one second and boom, in the middle of a park, they shot you right in your abdomen. namjoon's father just so happened to be at the park at the same time and while i was frozen in shock, his dad saved your life. he bought you to his personal doctor who immediately took care of you."

jungkook looked down and placed his hand on his stomach, he never knew how he got that scar but now he does. he wants to be mad at his dad, he wants to curse him out, scream at him but he just can't bring his mouth to form any words.

"his dad knew the rogue group, he promised to keep us safe from them. and when he died, namjoon took over and he's been doing the same. you know i wouldn't side with them if there was no reason. i promise you, it's only for our protection." his dad said one last thing before stepping up to jungkook. the boy didn't even look up, he just stood there with his hands still clutching his side.

seokjin could see the pain on the boy's face from where he stood. he walked up to jungkook and took him into his hold. namjoon watched everything from where he stood, he could see the heartbreak on the boy's face. he watched as seokjin walked the boy into another room in the house leaving the father and namjoon to talk.

"so what's up? you don't really make house visits often unless something happened." namjoon asked curiously, mr.jeon nodded his head being reminded on why he even came here. "i know seokjin's ex boyfriend, when they were together he used to come by a lot with seokjin. that's besides the point, i saw him lurking around coffeehouse, i couldn't really do anything to him because nothing besides the letter linked him back to seokjin's apartment. he was also with someone else."

"did you see anything that could possibly single them out so i can know who to look for?"

"actually yes, i thought it was odd but they both had yin-yang symbols tattooed on their arm near the bend of their elbow." he said while pulling out his ringing phone. namjoon nodded and looked down at his feet.

wooyoung was starting already, jin was in enough danger with just chanyeol but now he's working with wooyoung. he needed to find out what wooyoung was planning and why he needed chanyeol. maybe chanyeol didn't even want seokjin back, maybe it was a set up. he had no clue but he was going to find out. it was a must that he did.

"i have to go, but i'll keep some tabs on chanyeol for you. just let me know what you need and i got it for you." he said walking towards the door. "i'll tell jungkook you're outside." namjoon said walking towards the hallway. mr.jeon nodded and opened the door so he could leave.

namjoon followed the sounds of hushed voices down the hallway. he stepped into the living room to see jungkook still in shock while seokjin pet his hair in a calming manner. the boy obviously still felt hurt and deceived. namjoon understood it as much as he could. his whole life was built off a few known facts and he suddenly found out it was all a lie.

jungkook leaned into seokjin's touch, moving his head into seokjin's lap. the boy obviously wasn't ready to go, he probably didn't even want to look his dad nor namjoon in their faces right now. so he just retreated back into the hallway and walked outside. he told the father to go and that he'd get someone to take him home.

he texted seokjin to let him know he'd be back in a few hours. he made his way to the manor as quickly as possible. there weren't a lot of people there, luckily, yoongi and jackson were already there when he walked in the office. he took a seat behind the desk watching the two converse about something.

"jin's ex boyfriend works for wooyoung." namjoon said, catching the attention of the other two. yoongi tilted his head to the side, surprised at what he was hearing. he knew chanyeol, he was not the type to hurt anyone. then again, he wasn't the type to cheat either but we all see how that turned out.

"chanyeol works for wooyoung? when did this happen?" yoongi said, he sat down in the seat provided for them. jackson still stood, confused about who chanyeol was.

"i don't know, but chief jeon saw him lurking around coffeehouse and he had the same tattoo wooyoung has. right near the bend of his elbow."

"this has to be a little recent, last time i saw chanyeol was about 7 months to a year ago. he didn't have any tattoos at all. he was still with jin's cousin then." yoongi said with his head still tilted to the side.

"wait pause, the fuck is a 'chanyeol' and what does he have to do with wooyoung or jin." jackson cut in, namjoon rolled his eyes before speaking up.

"chanyeol is jin's ex. i think wooyoung recruited him to get jin back so i could be single again. so him being in the shadow has to be really recent. at least until me and jin started dating." namjoon stated while leaning his head onto his hand.

"so what i'm hearing is, get rid of chanyeol." jackson said, a small smile crept on his face. yoongi smirked as well, loving the sound of that. he wanted to get rid of chanyeol back when he cheated on jin. namjoon nodded before speaking up.

"get rid of chanyeol"...

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