Chapter 12: Jealous Boy Is Jealous, Scared Girl Is Scared

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              Oh, God.

OOOOOOOoooooh, God.

I'm gonna fall.

And I'm gonna die.

And then the world will explode and the animals will-

"Are you okay, Ari?" Rogue said hestitantly, accent thick with worry. They had us each on a single ladder, one of the tallest ones I'd ever seen. It was easily around 30 feet tall, and leaned against a apple tree that grew green apples that they'd had planted in this area. I freaking 40 foot tall maple tree. 40 feet. And it wasn't even here for good, it was temporary. 

     And we were at the very top of this damn ladder.

It was for some commercial/ ad thingy. A perfume called Sweet and Sour, by Dior Amour. Green apple scented, of course. And then we had a shoot for the Halloweenn themed Seventeen magazine next month.

"Y-yeah,'' I stuttered, clutching the ladder tightly. 

  "You do realize we have to looked happy and relaxed, si? Not like we're standing on our own coffins,'' he said with a tiny smile. He put a hand over mine, my knuckles white from clutching the ladder railing. I peered down at him from the front of the ladder as he hung on the other side looking up at me, slightly worried his arms would get tired and he'd lose his grip, but hi didn't seem strained at all.

   "Okay, smartass, I'll calm down,''I muttered, narrowing my eyes down at him. He countered it with a purely intense look of his own, and I flushed, a tiny smile poking at my cheeks. He grinned in response, face moving forward. Our noses brushed betweenthe rungs of the ladders as I closed my eyes....


The sound of cameras clicking nearly made me topple off until Rogue grabbed my hand, pulling me forward. I slid down a bit and struggled to balance before righting myself. I shook a bit, looking around. Everyone was grinning, yelling instructions. Scowling, I did as they said.

      "Okay honey,  look down into his eyes!!"

"Grab his hand like you don't ever want to let go, okay??"

"Perfect, perfect!"

"Keep your face just a bit from his, and lean your head to the side! Shit, not lean. I meant to tilt it."

"Yup, just like that darling!"

"Mhmmm, now look into his eyes like you just can't get enough of him,'' a man ordered kindly.

"Oh, she already does that James,'' a woman laughed. I flushed deeply, looking at him withan apology in my eyes.

  "I know I would!" another woman purred, batting her eyelashes at him. My lips immediately pressed together, and I reached through the rungs, possessively brushing my fingers through the back of his hair just as his reached through to hold the small of my back.


I rolled my eyes, starting to become a bit tired. The sun was already beginning to set.

"Okay, off the ladder kids!!" a voice called through a megaphone. All the camera people, hoisted up in harnesses and standing dizzily on upraised platforms, were lowered down after Rogue and I climbed off. They took a last picture of him helping me down, hands on my waist.

     "Okaaaaay, where next?" I asked brightly, awkardly crossing my hands behind my back. As stupid as this sounds, I couldn't take Rogue's hand. As much as he might like me, that doesn't mean he'd want to be seen with me as a couple.

    "Next, you're going to the Seventeen shoot,'' James said, strutting off purposefully. "You have to shoot for three different situations. Costumes for being with family on Halloween, handing out the candy to terrifying little brats, etc. There's ones for hanging out with your little friends, possibly going to parties. And then there's the club and rave wear,'' he said with a wink.

Rogue and I both looked over at once.

   "C-clubs? Raves..?" I murmured. That reminded me,  Lily and I hadn't gone out in forever! A club sounded fun, and Halloween WAS this weekend, and I wanted to go out! For a minute I was confused about these pictures being taken the day before Halloween, then remembered it was a special. Not a full issue.

     Grinning evilly, I slid a slow gaze over to Rogue, an evil smile curling my lips.

"You know.... maybe doing this shooot will help you decide what to wear to the Halloween party at the club tomorrow night...'' I snuck in, plotting. He looked at me curiously, reaching out and taking my hand. I was shocked, but said nothing.

     "You never struck me as the clubbing type,'' he mused, smirking. I could only guess at what he was thinking.

"Well, even i can have fun,'' I grumbled.

"And you dress up?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, duh.''

"And you dance?"

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm merely implying that you ae a bit shy, love,'' he said with a shrug.

"I'll drop kick you. In a second.''

"Someone's cranky from heights.''

"Shut up."

"We're here!" he yelled suddenly, causing Rogue and I to flinch. A guy walked up, and admittedly, he was gorgeous. Sadly blonde, not at all my type. Sighing at how tired I was, I stuck out a hand, smiling.

  'Hi..'' I trailed, unsure of how this guy was. He shook back, looking directly at me. Awkward.

"Alec,'' he finished, flashing a brilliant smile. Damn.

"Uh.. and I'm Ari."

"Beautiful name,'' he murmured, winking. I flushed.

"Thanks... and this is-''

"Rogue,'' he insterted, stepping between Alec and I. Not a happy look there...


"time to go, immediately!" the director yelled out, and we all turned walking to the studio. Alec looked down at me with a final flirtatious smile. Rogue growled.




Watch the vid. It's just too funny. Love my boys. xD <3 please vote, comment, fan, tell your friends, etc. c: thanks for your patience, and sorry for the long wait! :c

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