Chapter 4: Instantly Out

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I woke up, stretching my arms out before bumping onto a warm torso. Memories of yesterday flooded back, and I sat up, wincing at a crick in my neck. Rogue woke up smiling, which I found adorable. He was a morning person!! I checked my phone, and my jaw dropped. It was 6 pm! Granted, we hadn't really fallen asleep until 2, but this was crazy. What a tiring day. I peeked out the waiting room door before walking over next door. Chase lay passed out in a chair, and I nearly walked out when I saw Jack sitting next to him, reading a magazine.

He looked up, smiling warmly. I nodded curtly before walking up to Lily, hugging her tightly.

"Idiot,'' I murmured, holding back tears. "No more standing on hot guys shoulders!"

"Can't promise that, darling,'' she said with a wink. I laughed, sitting on the edge of her bed.

''What'd the doctor tell you?" I asked.

"They've patched me up and I'll be outta here within a week,'' she declared proudly. Chase woke up, and hugged her, relieved.

"Dumbass!'' he scolded, kissing her forehead. "You wouldn't believe how worried I was!"

"Nearly had an aneurism,'' Jack joked, smiling at me weirdly. There was something in his eyes that was confusing me... Just then, Rogue strode in, shirt moving as he walked and his hair ruffled. I grinned as he sat at my feet, and Jack's eye flashed.

''Where's Cam?" Chase suddenly asked, looking shocked.

"Why do you ask??" Jack shot back.

"Well, the girl's been clinging to you like a leech for week,'' Chase said with a smirked. "She's got you whipped.''

"Well obviously she does not, since we're not together right now. She's clingier than that one annoying sock in the dryer,'' he grumbled, watching me. I glanced away quickly, allowing Rogue to pull me down beside him. I smiled as he pushed hair back from my cheek. We spoke for about half an hour about lighter subjects, when Jack suddenly cleared his throat.

"Ari?" he asked.

"Umm... yeah?" I mumbled, smiling tightly. I noticed Rogue's face go blank.

"I need to talk to you.''


"In private.'' My heart jumped, and I stood slowly, hanging onto Rogue's hand as long as possible. I finally let go reluctantly, following Jack out the room with my arms crossed over myself. He stopped, taking a deep breath.

"So... are you... with... that guy..?" he asked, looking everywhere but at me.

"Umm... not officially. We've got a date coming up,'' I mumbled, trying not to look at him to much. I was terrified that my feelings would come back. I looked up, and was a little mesmerized by his blue eyes and whispy blonde hair. He really was perfect. He looked at me with a knowing smile and I looked down, blushing. No no no. Not again...

"So to get down to business, I think we should date,'' he said confidently.

"But... Jack, why now? I mean, I've liked you forever. Since I first met you. What brought this on??'' I asked, kicking the floor a bit.

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